Christian shrugs. “Sure.”
While they get settled, Seren slips off her jacket and hangs it on the rack in the corner. She’s wearing a black tank top underneath, leaving her arm exposed for easy access. Her tattoo spans from her left wrist to her forearm—delicate vines and blooming flowers wrapped around a broken chain. During our last session I added mid-tones to bring the flowers to life, so all there’s left to do is the shading.
Before getting started, I wash my hands, put on disposable gloves, and settle in my seat. As I examine the tattoo, I map out the final additions to incorporate a dimensional effect. I switchon the tattoo machine, steadying my hand with the familiar weight of the vibration against my palm.
Seren rests her head against the chair when I start, her eyes falling shut. She’s told me that she finds this process therapeutic—the hum of the needle turns a painful memory into a beautiful and empowering symbol of resilience. After all she’s sacrificed, I’m glad she’s doing this for herself.
Halfway through I pause, standing to stretch out my neck and roll out my shoulders. I glance over to see Reese on the other side of the station with my sketchpad in her lap. Her lip is tucked between her teeth as she sketches what appears to be an orchid. Christian leans over her shoulder, captivated by the strokes of her pencil as each line brings the flower to life. Like me, Reese uses her art as a way to find peace amidst the chaos, letting her creativity guide her to a calmer place.
Seren opens her eyes, her gaze darting between Reese and me. “She’s really pretty,” Seren whispers so only I can hear. “I’m glad you’ve found someone. You deserve to be happy.”
“Thanks.” I give her a tight smile, deciding not to tell her that Reese isn’t mine. Though the more time we spend together, the more I wish she were.
I turn my attention back to finishing Seren’s tattoo, the alternative soundtrack Mickey has on in the shop providing the only background noise. Once I’m done, I clean the inked skin, apply ointment, and carefully wrap it.
“All set,” I announce.
“I can’t thank you enough,” Seren says, gazing down at her arm. “Are you sure I can’t pay you?”
She gets out of her chair to grab her things. “Christian, you ready to go?”
He snaps his head up from watching Reese draw. “Guess what. Reese says she’ll draw me a design on those white sneakers Dawson got me last month, how cool is that?”
“That’s so nice of you to offer,” Seren says to Reese.
“I’m happy to do it,” Reese assures her with a genuine smile.
It’s heartwarming to watch her interact with some of the people who matter most to me. Her ease with the situation makes me grateful to have her here. Not everyone would be comfortable spending their afternoon with a teenager they didn’t know while I tattooed his mom.
“Can I go say bye to Mickey?” Christian asks Seren. “He promised he’d give me a soda once we finished.”
“Sure. I’ll go with you.” She tucks her coat under her arm. “Thanks again, Dawson, and it was so good to meet you, Reese.”
“You too.” Reese waves goodbye as Seren slips out of my station.
Once they’re out of view, Reece approaches. “Her tattoo is stunning,” she murmurs. “I couldn’t help but notice the scars. What happened to her?”
“Her ex-boyfriend used her as a human ashtray.” I keep my voice lowered. “He’s in prison now and will never hurt her or Christian again.”
I’ve made sure of it.
A friend at the district attorney’s office pressed charges a couple of years ago when damning evidence conveniently surfaced, linking Seren’s ex to a drug trafficking ring.
“Christian and Seren are lucky to have you in their life.” Reese chews her bottom lip, lost in thought. “Hey, Dawson?” she asks, placing her hand on my shoulder.
“Do you want to come with me to visit my grandma? Her name’s Georgia.” She holds her breath while waiting for me to reply.
I place my hand over hers. “Are you sure, Red? If you’d prefer to go alone, we can meet up for dinner after.”
One way or another, we’re spending the rest of the weekend together, but I’m not about to force her to introduce me to her grandma if she’s not ready.
“Yes, I am,” Reese states confidently. “Grams will be excited to meet you.”
I arrive at Oak Ridge an hour later with a bouquet of red roses. Reese took a rideshare over earlier. Noah is the only guy she’s introduced to her grandma so she wanted to tell her about me before I got here.