I sit in my office chair, propping my feet up on the desk. “She’s studying for the LSAT and plans to go to law school. Unlike me, she has no interest in corporate law. She wants to have a career advocating for kids.”
“Like Colby,” Martha says fondly. “She sounds like a wonderful person.”
A soft smile plays on my lips. “She is,” I agree.
Far better than I deserve.
“Have you told her about your past?” Martha broaches the subject carefully.
“She knows the basics.”
Martha sighs her relief. “That makes me very happy to hear. I know how difficult it is for you to open up and share parts of yourself with others.”
Usually, it’s a challenge. I even struggle with sharing certain things with Colby and her, especially about my past, even though they’ve known me since I was fifteen. But with Reese, it feels different. I want her to know more about me—the real me.
“Did you catch the part where I said I’m her boss?”
Martha huffs in irritation. “Dawson Cole Tate, you’re a high-powered attorney in New York. I’m well aware of theintimidation tactics you use to get your way. So, I don’t buy it for a second that you couldn’t find a way around a non-fraternization policy if you wanted to.”
“Reese is only twenty-three,” I add.
“Are you trying to talk me or yourself out of liking this woman?” Martha retorts. “Sometimes the heart defies all logic. You might not want to listen or fully grasp what it’s trying to tell you, but from experience, it’s best to trust in the process.” Her voice softens. “You deserve to be happy, Dawson. If there’s a possibility you’ve found someone who brings out the best in you, don’t let her slip between your fingers. There’s no telling if you’ll ever get a chance like it again—”Martha’s voice fades, followed by the sound of a door opening and Colby’s voice announcing that he’s home.
“I’m putting you on speakerphone,” Martha tells me.
“Hey, son. Everything okay?” Colby asks me. “It’s not like you to call so late.”
“That’s what I said,” Martha chimes in. “He needed some advice. He met a woman named Reese and really likes her,” she whispers.
“You do know I can hear you, right?”
“I was just looping Colby in, that’s all.” Martha feigns innocence.
“All I can say, son, is that when it comes to matters of the heart, Martha knows best.”
“Aww, thanks, love,” Martha croons, followed by the distinct sound of a kiss.
I wrinkle my nose. I’ll never get over their displays of affection. “Well then, I’ll let you lovebirds go. Talk to you later.”
“We love you,” they say in unison.
“Love you too.”
When I hang up, I walk over to the window. It’s dark out, and the skyline is dotted with lights from the neighboring buildings and billboards in the distance.
I think about Colby and Martha’s relationship, which is defined by enduring love and centered around prioritizing each other’s happiness.
Tonight is the perfect example: after a long day, Colby came home to Martha and greeted her with a welcome home kiss and a listening ear. On days when Martha deals with a challenging client, Colby brings her flowers and arranges a spa day to help her unwind. They’re mindful of how to brighten each other’s day and provide constant comfort and support. Even after twenty years of marriage, they’re more in love than ever, their affection growing with each passing year.
I’ve had the privilege of seeing firsthand what a healthy, long-term romantic relationship looks like. I’ve never entertained the thought of what it could be like to experience something similar, until recently.
Reese has changed everything.
If there’s a possibility you’ve found someone who brings out the best in you, don’t let her slip between your fingers.
Martha’s words keep running through my head.