Dawson:Fine, but it better not be a club.

After ten minutes with no reply, I send another message.

Dawson:You better be in a board meeting and not ignoring me.

Dawson:If that address is for a club, you’re buying two rounds for everyone there.

Damn it. I should have told him I was busy. I toss my phone down and when I glance out my open door, I find Reese heading toward her desk.

This may be the only chance I have to speak to her before the weekend, and I’m not about to give that up.

“Reese, can you come here for a second?” I call out.

A few seconds later, she strides in with a pen tucked behind her ear, balancing a coffee cup in one hand and a stack of files in the other.

“What’s up?” she asks, coming to stand next to my desk.

“Can you send me the updated Irving contract? I need to have multiple copies for Wes’s team to review when I get to their office tomorrow.”

“You know, there’s this fancy thing called a chat system? Or you could just text me if the first option is too much trouble.” She says with a playful smirk.

Then I wouldn’t get to see your beautiful face.

“Why message when your desk is right outside my door?”

“I left five copies for you this morning. They’re tabbed and ready to go.” She motions to a stack of folders that I pushed off to the side earlier.

A frown mars my face. “Oh, okay. Thanks.”

Reese spins towards the door, ready to leave, but stops when she hears my voice. “Can you call Villa Napoli and confirm that the catering order will be delivered at Irving Tower tomorrow at 12:30 p.m.?” I ask.

She glances over her shoulder. “I did it this morning. They’ll have two servers there to assist in setting everything up.”

“One more thing,” I say before she can bolt.

She turns to face me, clutching her coffee for dear life. “What is it?”

My mind draws a blank, scrambling to find an excuse to get her to stay. “Umm… I think my printer is out of black ink. Can you get me a new cartridge from the break room?”

She sighs, and puts a hand on her hip. “Dawson, I saw you change both cartridges last week.”Damn, I forgot about that.“As much as I’d love to humor your little game, I have a lot of work to get through today. So, unless there’s anything else…?” She lets the question hang in the air.

I should say something, but I’m distracted by the neckline of her shirt, dipping slightly to reveal a hint of cleavage and a dark green bra. My thoughts drift again to our moment in my conference room, remembering the feel of her nestled in my lap with my hands gripping her hips as I kissed her with no regard for the consequences.

Reese’s voice snaps me out of my daydream. “Dawson?”

When I glance up, her gaze is bouncing between me and the door.

“I’m sorry, what did you say?” I ask.

She lets out an exasperated sigh. “Was that all you wanted?”

“Just wanted to remind you I’ll be out of the office tomorrow.”

“Yes. You’ve mentioned it several times.”

I run a hand through my already disheveled hair. “That’s right.”

Her gaze softens, worry clouding her expression. “Are you okay?”