She gets up, and I watch helplessly as she exits my office and closes the door behind her. My self-control is hanging by a thread, but somehow I refrain from going after her.

Over the next few hours, I pour myself into work reviewing a contract and taking a call with Jeremy, to review new information he’s found for the Irving case. By the time I check my watch, I see that it’s past noon. The rest of the office is at lunch, which means it’s the one time I can walk the floor without interruption.

I’m relieved when I step into the hall and notice Reese’s desk is empty. She must be out too. The last thing I need is the temptation of us being alone again today. She’s addicting, and I’m powerless to her orbit, one that’s drawn me in deeper with every fleeting glance and stolen moment. The more I try to steer clear, the harder it is to stay away.

An open book on her desk catches my eye. My curiosity is piqued when I take a closer look and discover it’s an LSAT study guide, heavily annotated with highlights, margin notes, and sticky tabs marking various sections.

Reese hasn’t mentioned that she was planning to go to law school. Normally I don’t delve into my employees’ personal lives. As long as they deliver results and meet my high expectations, I keep my distance. Yet, Reese has become the exception.

A pang of guilt hits me. I’ve been keeping her late almost every night, driven by my desire to have her close. I hadn’t considered how it might affect her life outside of the office. With her demanding schedule, how does she manage to balance it all?

Since starting at Thompson & Tate, no matter how heavy her workload, she hasn’t complained. I knew she was driven and committed to her job, but I didn’t realize to what extent. Now that I have this small piece of information about her, it confirms my earlier sentiment—I want to know everything. It’s a dangerous thought for someone who is supposed to be maintaining his distance.

While it’s best that we keep things strictly professional, there’s no harm in finding ways to ease her burden and make her workload more manageable.


Being this close to you makes me want to throw out every rational notion and kiss you.

Even a day later, Dawson’s confession remains imprinted in my mind, and the memory of his touch still lingers. His hands were firm yet gentle as he cradled my face, and he looked at me, like nothing else in the world mattered.

If he had closed the last few inches between us, I would have kissed him. In that moment, all I wanted was to feel his mouth against mine.

Admittedly, my willpower is fading where he is concerned, and if we end up in a similar situation again, I don’t think I’ll be able to resist.

I force myself back to reality, fighting to keep my eyes open, I scan the email on my computer screen, struggling to make out the blurring text.

My supervisor at the club called me last night, begging me to cover for another server who was out sick. The club stayed open late, and after helping Noah with the closing duties and the long commute home, I didn’t get to bed until four in the morning.

The one upside to working last night was the massive tip I got from being assigned to a bachelorette party on the second floor. It’ll go toward my unexpected plumbing bill.

I pause, rubbing my eyes, ready for a break from trying to make sense of this email. I pull out my phone to check my messages.

Noah:How are you feeling this morning?

Reese:Like I’ve been hit by a freight train…

Noah:On the bright side, at least you’re not dealing with a hangover on top of your lack of sleep.

Reese:True, but a hangover would mean I’d at least have some good stories to tell.

Reese:How are you holding up?

Noah:Thank god for the coffee shop around the corner from the courthouse.

Reese:Coffee is always the answer.

Noah:That might be the most brilliant thing you’ve ever said.

Reese:I could totally go for a pumpkin spice latte.

Noah: I’ll get you one during our next study session.

Reese:You’re my hero.

Noah:I always aim to please.

While I love the seasonal blend of cinnamon and nutmeg in a pumpkin spice latte, I usually save it for the homemade version due to the cost. However, I’m not one to refuse when Noah offers to buy me one.