She gives my hand an affectionate squeeze. “I missed you, sweet girl.”

“Missed you too.”

More than I can express.

A heavy weight settles on my chest. Only seeing her once a week is a bittersweet reminder that until five years ago, she lived at the house with me. She and Grandpa raised me, shaping meinto the person I am today. Her absence at the house feels like a void that only deepens with each passing week.

I’m so blessed that my grandparents stepped in to raise me after my mom passed. It didn’t matter that they were approaching retirement or that it added to their financial strain. They did everything to make sure I grew up in a supportive and stable environment, and I’ll forever be grateful. My life could have turned out very different if they hadn’t taken me in.

I’m one of the lucky ones, and I know not every kid gets the second chance I did, which is why I want to be a child advocacy lawyer.

Grams rests her hand over mine, drawing me into the present.

“How’s the new job going, sweetheart? Have you made any friends?”

“It’s going well. Grace, another paralegal at the firm seems really nice, but I’ve been so busy and haven’t had much chance to get to know her yet.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” she smiles. “How’s Noah? He hasn’t been here in a few weeks.”

“Great. He loves his clerkship, and we’re still studying for the LSAT together every Saturday.”

He’s joined me on several visits, and Grams adores him. When she first met him, she tried playing matchmaker, but that quickly took a turn when she found out Noah only dates men.

“Don’t wear yourself out,” Grams scolds. “You’re young and beautiful and should have a life outside of your job.”

I force a feeble smile as my throat tightens. She’s not aware that I work at Echo, nor does she know about the ever-growing list of repairs needed around the house. The last thing I want is for her to worry about me more than she already does.

“Don’t worry, Grams, I won’t.” I tighten my hold on her hand, trying to convey that everything is okay. “I love you so much.”

She tucks a lock of hair behind my ear and beams at me. “I love you too, my sweet girl.”

Grams is my reason for overcoming every challenge, and someday, she’ll be there cheering me on when I finally get my law degree. The sacrifices we’ve made will have been worth it. I won’t let her down; it’s not an option.

When Monday morning rolls around, I groan at my blaring alarm and drag myself out of bed.

After visiting Grams yesterday, I spent the afternoon studying at the library since it was cold and they have heating. On my way home, I stopped by the grocery store to make the most of their Sunday afternoon markdowns and once I made it to my house, I curled up in bed and caught up on the latest season ofLove Island.

I might not lead an adventurous life, but it’s mine. One day, after I’ve finished law school and landed my dream job, I’ll look back and see it was all worthwhile.

On my way to work, Rob sent me his breakfast order—a cappuccino and a cheese Danish from a bakery on the opposite side of town. Of course when I got there, they’d sold out, so I had to go to a different location.

I’m convinced he deliberately asks for a different pastry every day and bribes the bakery into hiding their stock, making me search multiple places for the right one. The fact that the bakeries he sends me to are almost always out of the pastry he asks for seems to be more than just a coincidence.

When I finally reach the office, I’m late and out of breath. My phone pings in the elevator, and I take it from my purse with my free hand.

Noah:Have a great day at work. If Rob gives you a hard time, tell him to suck it.

Reese:I’ll be sure to pencil that in between the department meeting at 9 am and the settlement agreement at 10.

Noah:Heard anything from the big boss?

Reese:I just got here, but I’m sure he’s already forgotten about me.

Noah:Somehow, I doubt that. I’m heading into the courtroom now.

Reese:Okay, good luck in there. Talk soon!

I place my phone in my desk drawer when Rob pokes his head out of his office.