Landon: Please talk to me, baby.
I can’t resist firing off a reply.
Everly: Stop texting me. I’m busy.
Landon: I didn’t tell you what day I’d be there.
Everly: I’ve moved on.
There, that’s better. Simple yet direct—I haven’t tried that approach before. Satisfied with my message, I hit send and turn my phone off.
“Is everything okay?” Cash watches me with interest.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” I say, avoiding eye contact.
I’m not ready to explain to my fake husband that my ex-fiancé won’t stop harassing me, holding on to the false hope that we’ll get back together.
Cash gives me a skeptical look but doesn’t press for more information. “Save some room for dessert because we’re having strawberry shortcake with fresh whipped cream.”
“That’s my favorite.”
“I know.” He grins, causing my heart to skip a beat.
God, I am way in over my head.
WHEN I JOIN THE CONFERENCEcall, Harrison and Dylan are waiting for me.
“You’re late,” Harrison states with his arms folded across his chest, his white dress shirt showcasing his muscular arms. After his short stint playing professional hockey, he maintained his athletic build. He spends hours in the gym each day, meticulously sculpting his body, and follows a strict diet with the help of his private chef.
Honestly, I’m not sure how he juggles it all, especially while running a multibillion-dollar company like a well-oiled machine. I find it hard enough just managing my life and keeping the amount of stupid shit I do to a minimum.
“Sorry,” I mumble.
After dinner with Everly last night, she pulled out her laptop and worked at the kitchen counter until well past midnight. When she finally came to bed—damn. It took every ounce of control not to corner her when she stepped out of the bathroom wearing another one of those sexy lace tank tops and booty shorts.
It didn’t help that as soon as she drifted off, she shifted to my side of the bed and curled up next to me. She fits perfectly in my arms, and I couldn’t resist holding her close.
I’ve never been a cuddler, not wanting to send mixed signals to the women I had sex with. Things are different with Everly. I look forward to her sleeping in my bed and waking up next to her each morning.
“Hey, little brother.” Dylan greets me with a wave. “I spoke with Carol earlier, and she told me you had an unexpected visitor stop by your office yesterday.” He attempts to hide his amusement but fails miserably, a grin spreading across his face.
“You’re hilarious,” I deadpan. “You damn well knew Theo would show up to confront me when you sent him a copy of that article.”
I find their prank even less funny than I did yesterday. They better watch their backs because I’ll get my payback when they least expect it.
Dylan snorts. “We figured Theo would want to congratulate you himself. For the record, it was Harrison’s idea,” he says, attempting to pass the blame.
“What the hell, Dylan,” Harrison grumbles. “Why would you throw me under the bus like that?”
I should have guessed Harrison was the mastermind. He may be a brooding, intimidating corporate mogul, but he’s surprisingly inventive with prank ideas. I usually find them highly entertaining, but not when I’m the victim.
“I didn’t find it the least bit funny.” I scowl. “Theo was this close to beating me to a pulp in my office.” I hold my thumb and forefinger close together for emphasis. “I dodged his fist this time, but I’m a dead man walking once he finds out I didn’t tell him Everly is only staying married to me because of the acquisition.”
“You didn’t tell him about it?” Dylan sighs, rubbing his hand across his face. “You’re right. You’re in deep shit when he finds out.”