“My wedding ring,” I answer truthfully. In the mad dash to make our flight, I forgot to take it off.
“I’m sorry, your what?” Presley screeches.
“I got married.” I do my best to downplay the announcement. “My wife is on a call but she’ll come inside as soon as she’s finished. Is it alright if we wait for her, Mom?”
She gapes at me in shock, clearly taken aback by my announcement.
“Yourwife?” Presley laughs. “Very funny, Cash. Who put you up to this?” She turns her glacier stare on Jack. “Was it you?”
He holds his hands up in defense. “I know better than to play practical jokes on you, little vixen.”
“What about you two?” She glares at Harrison and Dylan. “Because this joke is even less funny than the time you had Jack arrested.”
When Presley brought Jack to Aspen Grove for the first time and pretended they were dating, Harrison was suspicious. After some recon, we found out that Jack was Presley’s boss who had been tormenting her for years. We decided to prank him to teach him a lesson for messing with our sister. It’s the best practical joke we’ve ever pulled off, although I don’t think Jack would agree.
Dylan holds up his hands in defense. “It wasn’t me.”
Harrison shakes his head. “I had nothing to do with this.”
I make the mistake of stealing another glance at my mom. Her expression radiates pure happiness, and I can’t bring myself to tell her the full truth, at least not yet.
“I’m serious, Presley,” I say with a straight face. “We got hitched in Vegas last night and came straight to Aspen Grove to share the good news with our families.”
It occurs to me that Everly hasn’t asked to see her mom while we’re in town. Theo doesn’t have contact with her, but according to him, Everly does. So I wonder why she doesn’t come to visit.
“You got married and didn’t invite your own mother? Shame on you,” my mom interjects, smacking me upside the head.
“I’m sorry,” I say with a sheepish grin.
She seems more upset that I didn’t tell her than at hearing the news that I got hitched. She’s probably just grateful that she didn’t have to play matchmaker like she did for Presley and Dylan, which explains why she looks so happy right now.
Mom might deny it, but she’s made it her mission to intervene with my siblings’ love lives, and Presley and Dylan have both found their better halves thanks to her. I can work with this reaction—that is until I have to break the news about the annulment.
Everyone’s attention goes to the front door when it creaks open, and Everly steps inside.
“Oh, speaking of my wife,” I say, a smile spreading across my face.
I don’t think I’ll ever get over how much I like calling her that.
Harrison and Dylan exchange a confused glance when they see Everly and take in the giant diamond on her ring finger. I mentally pat myself on the back for choosing that one—no chance anyone will miss it, even if this whole thing is over by Monday.
“Oh, Everly,” my mother exclaims. “Welcome to the family, sweetie.” She pulls her into a hug, and Everly shoots me a glare.
I smirk back at her, giving her a thumbs-up.
She’s going to make me pay for this stunt later, but I might as well enjoy the ride while I can.
“THANKS, JOHANNA.” I MUSTER Agenuine smile as my eyes dart between Cash and his mom.
I was prepared for the Staffords to give me the cold shoulder when I walked in, angry that Cash and I recklessly got married and were rushing to get it dissolved. Instead, I’m being welcomed as if I were part of the family because Cash led them to believe that I am.
Letting him handle it alone was a huge mistake; now we’re in an even bigger mess.
“This is the best news.” Johanna pulls back, giving my hand an affectionate squeeze.