Presley: Yeah, it’s so not fair that Harrison wouldn’t let me be there.
Mom: Sweetheart, you don’t work for Stafford Holdings.
Presley. I know. Last night I was seriously tempted to temporarily quit Sinclair Group and join the company for the day so Harrison couldn’t deny my request.
Mom: That was a clever idea.
Presley: I know, right?
Cash: Are you two done? Richard will be here any minute and I can’t be distracted.
Presley: Can’t you give us a play-by-play?
Cash: No.
Mom: Your brothers didn’t text me back this morning. Will you please tell them to reply?
Cash: Mom, we’re literally about to finalize a major business deal.
Mom: I didn’t mean right now. Just as soon as the meeting is over.
Presley: Just tell Mom you’ll do it, or she’ll never stop.
Everly looks over my shoulder at my phone, chuckling when she reads the text thread on the screen.
“How do I get added to that group chat?” she chuckles. “Your mom and Presley are so entertaining.”
I blink at her in surprise. “You want to?”
She nods. “Yeah, I do. We should add Marlow too if she’s interested.”
“I’ll have Presley add you both after the meeting,” I promise.
Cash: Everly wants to join the group chat, and she said we should add Marlow, too.
Presley: This is the best news. Just wait, Cash, we’re totally going to gang up on you.
Mom: Presley. Be nice.
Cash: I think it’s time I follow Harrison and Dylan’s lead and exit the chat.
Presley: No way! It wouldn’t be fun without having you here to pick on.
Cash: I have to go.
Presley: Text us after the meeting!
Mom: Yes, and don’t forget to remind your brothers to text me back.
I turn my ringer off and stash my phone in my pocket just as Richard opens the door. The atmosphere shifts when he steps inside the conference room and frowns when he sees everyoneseated on one side of the table, clearly displeased that we’re here first.
“What are you all doing here?” he barks at Everly, August, and Liam. “I wasn’t told you’d be present. And where is my legal team? They were supposed to be here at nine.” He checks his watch.
“I asked the Townstead and Stafford lawyers to come at ten so we could have a little chat first,” Harrison states calmly.
That’s a lie. They aren’t coming. Assuming everything goes as planned, the paperwork will be sent to both teams and filed by the end of the day. No legal teams required… just one ruthless lawyer.
“You had no authority to do that,” Richard hisses, his fists clenched in anger.