She chews on her lower lip, mulling over my response before moving on to her next question.
“Once the Stafford Holdings London team is fully staffed and trained, are you planning to move back to the US?”
“This is an easy answer.”
“If that’s the case, are you going to answer it?” she sasses.
I lean forward in my chair, taking her hands in mine, my gaze locked on her brown eyes. “Wherever you go, I go. You love London, so if that’s where you want to stay, I’ll be there too. Next question.”
She furrows her brow. “I don’t understand. What about your career?”
“I love working in the London office. It’s given me the chance to be taken more seriously and venture out of my usual comfort zone.”
“But I thought you were just there temporarily to get the office set up?”
“The good thing about having my brother as my boss is that he’s very accommodating and will no doubt let me stay if I tell him I want to,” I assure her. “I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again—you are the most important thing in my life, and you willalways come first. It’s as simple as that.” I lean forward to kiss her forehead. “Now, next question,” I repeat.
“Aren’t you worried about what Theo or your parents will say? What if they don’t understand once we tell them the full truth?”
I shake my head. “No, I’m not. Our path to each other might not have been conventional, but it brought me to you, and I wouldn’t trade it for anything, regardless of what anyone else thinks. Besides, they’re our family.” I chuckle. “They have to love us no matter what.”
Everly gives me a ghost of a smile before moving on to her next question.
“Suppose I wanted a divorce and asked to date instead. What would that look like?”
“I would hope you’d be open to living together because I don’t think I could go without you in my bed,” I rib her playfully. “Aside from that, we’d go on lots of dates like we’re doing now, and I’d woo you until you agreed to marry me again.”
“What if it takes years?”
“Then the moment you agree to be mine will be even sweeter.” I brush my thumb along her hand. “Let me make one thing clear, Ev. I will wait as long as it takes and will move heaven and earth for you if I have to. Just say the word, and I’ll do it. I want you in my arms for the rest of my life.”
Tears flow down her cheeks, and I gather her in my arms and settle her in my lap. I cup her cheeks with my hands, wiping away the moisture with my thumbs.
“You mean every word, don’t you?” She hiccups as she tries to tamp down her emotions.
“Every single one,” I state with absolute conviction.
She draws in a shaky breath as she wraps her arms around my neck, gazing into my eyes. “I want this, Cash. I want you.”
Time seems to stand still, everything around me fading away when I hear those sweet words pass Everly’s lips.
“Doyoumean it? Because there’s no going back after this. Once you’re mine, I’m never letting you go.”
She rests her hand against my cheek, caressing my scar with her fingertips. “Yes, Stafford,” she says as she leans in closer. “I want to be yours forever, and I want you to belong to me too.”
“Haven’t you been listening, Ev?” I murmur. “I already do.”
THERE’S NOTHING BETTER THAN WAKINGup next to the man with whom I’ve agreed to spend the rest of my life. Although I admit, I was a little disappointed when Cash said he was going to the gym early and a long run after that and asked me to meet him at the park across from Main Street at nine.
After lying in bed for a while, I went downstairs to find Johanna and Mike had left the house, too. So, I walked to the local yoga studio and arrived in time for their morning session.
I’ve just finished my class and checked my watch to see that I still have an hour before I’m supposed to meet up with Cash. I head over to Brew Haven for some coffee to pass the time.
As I walk down the street, I notice Harrison coming from the opposite direction. His face is set in a stern expression as hetypes on his phone. He’s dressed in jeans and a white T-shirt that looks to be covered in white and gray paint.