Communication has a pivotal role in our pending relationship, and I realize the only way we can move forward is if we make sure our visions for the future align. Which means I have to ask Cash some important questions, starting with if he wants kids.



“WE’RE GOING ON A DATE.” I lean over to pepper kisses along Everly’s jawline and tilt her head to look up at me.

She’s curled up on the bed with a copy ofPride and Prejudicethat she found on my mom’s bookshelf. It seems when she’s reading alone, she prefers the classics over lumberjack romances.

After lunch with my family, I encouraged her to relax upstairs and take some much-needed time for herself while I ran an errand on the other side of town.

“A date?” Her eyes sparkle with excitement.

“Yeah, we better get a move on, or we’ll be late.” I nod toward the door.

“What should I wear?”

“It’ll be just us, so whatever you want. But if I had to pick, I’d go with your red sundress. You look incredible in that one, and I like that it’s easily accessible.” I wink.

Her cheeks flush as she climbs off the bed and changes, pairing her dress with the black open-toed heels she tried on at the boutique. They’re now her favorites, and every time I see them, I’m reminded of how her face looks when she falls apart at my touch.

“Where are your parents tonight?” she asks as we head downstairs, noticing the quiet.

“They’re meeting up with some friends.”

Everly lets out a soft gasp when I take the blindfold I used on the plane from my pants pocket.

“What’s that for?”

“Where we’re going is a surprise.”

“I thought you said I had to wait until the end of the trip for my surprise,” she says with a hint of curiosity in her voice.

“It’s notthesurprise, but I would like to keep where I’m taking you a mystery until we get there if you don’t mind.” I motion for her to turn around.

She does as I ask, and I move her hair to the side before tying the blindfold in place, her breath quickening with anticipation.

As we step outside, a gentle, warm breeze greets us, and the scent of summer fills the air. I keep her close as we walk to my black Jeep parked in the driveway.

“I’m going to help you get in the car, okay?”

She gives me a small nod, and I guide her into the passenger side, careful to make sure she doesn’t hit her head. Once she’s settled, I shut the door and go around to the driver’s side.

“It’s a ten-minute ride,” I say, adjusting the mirrors. “We’ll be there soon.”

“Sounds good,” Everly replies.

My parents own a hundred acres of land offering incredible views, and I wanted to share one with Everly tonight. We used to play in this area as kids but never ventured to this particular spot.

I take her hand in mine, intertwining our fingers as we pull away from my parents’ house. We drive in peaceful silence, and I rub my thumb along Everly’s palm in reassurance.

She means everything to me. From the moment I wake up to the second I fall asleep, my thoughts are consumed by her, and every decision I make, big or small, revolves around how it will affect her. Everly’s happiness is my priority, and I’ll take every opportunity to show her that.

By the time we reach our destination, my stomach is in knots, hoping that she’ll like what I have planned.

After bringing the Jeep to a stop, I exit and help her out of the vehicle, making sure she’s steady on her feet. With a hand on the small of her back, I guide her forward with careful steps.

“Can I remove the blindfold yet?” Everly asks.