Page 71 of The Good Boys Club

Mash had obviously mistaken my silence for offense. “I don’t mean it like you’re delicate, because you are so much tougher than I am. But youaredelicate. And I can’t have anyone hurt you. I won’t stand for it.”

Holy fuck.

He continued. “I miss living with you. I miss sharing an apartment with you and seeing you every day. I miss our Sunday movie nights. I miss your food, and your cuddles. Don’t miss the cry-baby music, though.”

“I miss it too.”I miss you so much I feel as though my chest might split open.I needed to shake these thoughts up. “So, you wanna run around a bit more? Hunt rabbits? Howl at fuck all?”

Mash got to his feet. “If it’s not too weird . . . can we just nuzzle?”

“Sure?” I said, like a question.

He didn’t wait for further confirmation. Instead, he pressed his nose into my ruff and rubbed the top of his head along the underside of my chin. Then he dropped into a curl in front of me. I laid my head on the scruff of his neck and breathed in the scent of us.



“You look after me, don’t you? Promise me you’ll always take care of me.”

I faltered. My heart beat so fast he must have felt it thrumming against his back. “Of course. I’ll always take care of you.”

He sighed. Relief or contentment, I wasn’t sure. “I know I’m supposed to be this big powerful alpha dude, but I can’t do it on my own. I don’t want to do it on my own. I need you, Ci. Will you do it with me?”

It took me a moment to stop the screaming inside my head.

Alpha. Alpha. Alpha.

I need you.

Mash needed me.

Alpha. Alpha. Alpha.

He was the next alpha?

He was the one rejecting the call year after year.

Not Clem.

Mash was alpha.

He needed me.

Needed. Me.

“Of course I will,” I said, the words barely working their way past the lump in my throat. But Mash was already asleep.

Furbidden Attraction

Present Day


The growling of my stomach woke me. It was either my stomach or Cian’s, but it sounded like the nuclear apocalypse was nigh.

Going by the position of the sun, it was still early morning—six, seven maybe. Definitely no later than eight.

We were both naked, obviously, and curled up on the dusty ledge beside the ravine. Cian was half on his back, half on his side, facing me. His dick was hard, his knot engorged at the base. I was hard too. Every morning waking up next to him was the same.