Page 67 of The Good Boys Club

“I totally forgot you have foreskin.”

“What?” I was so confused.

He lowered his voice even more. “Werewolves do not have foreskins.” Mash was still touching my dick.

“Why the hell not?” I asked, but as I looked around the marquee, I realised he was telling the truth. I could see only pink wolf tips. Not a foreskin in sight.

“We aren’t born with them. It’s a—”

“Werewolf thing,” I finished his sentence for him.

“Can’t you just push it back?”

“Yeah, I can, but it’s not going to stay there. Not unless I have a stiffy, or I hold it. Also, people are starting to stare.”

Mash removed his hand but replaced the cover with his hip and thigh.

“Is it really that much of a problem? Like, is anyone gonna look at my dick? Everyone is naked and nobody is looking at anyone else’s bits. They’re all acting completely normal.” Which was good, I was glad for it. I didn’t want—“Oh my gods.” I interrupted my own thoughts. “Your mum is naked.”

“Of course my mam is naked, she’d shred her clothes otherwise.”

“This is so fucking weird,” I hissed at him. “Werewolf culture is so weird. Why are you all so okay with everything flapping around, and I’m the outsider because I’m intact? Oh, shit, she’s coming over.”

“Boys, how’s it going?” Kimmy said nakedly. Because she was naked. Naked! Mash’s mum was naked, standing right next to her adult son, who was also naked and covering my foreskin with his massive thigh because I was naked too.

“Oh, wow, those tattoos are everywhere, aren’t they?” she said. “You’ll have to tell me the story behind them.”

If ever there was a time that the ground would split open for hell to claim my soul, please let it be now. I was surely going to die from embarrassment.

Gods, and as if it couldn’t get any worse, Clem and Sean were coming over. ALSO FUCKING NAKED. Fuck my life. I determinately kept my gaze to the upper part of the marquee. Shoulders and heads only and absolutely nothing below that.

“Ci, what’s wrong, sunshine? You seem stiff,” Kimmy said.

“He’s just nervous,” Mash replied on my behalf, still keeping his body twisted at an odd angle to hide my foreskin. “He’s never been to a mass shift before.”

“Oh, well, there’s nothing to be shy about,” she said, which obviously solved all my problems.

“Everything okay?” Clem said, coming to a stop next to Mash and me.

“Hey, cool tattoos,” Sean said, pulling up on our other side. I didn’t look at his junk, but I was super aware of the bright, blurry outline of it against his hairy body.

I would not look. I would not look.

“Bro, you can step away from your mate,” Clem said. “We can smell your bond from outside the tent. No one’s gonna try to claim him. You don’t need to guard him like that.”

Mash pursed his lips together.

“I’m gonna go check on my grandchildren. Welcome to the pack, Ci,” Kimmy said. She walked away in the other direction, and we all breathed a sigh of relief.

“What’s up?” Clem asked again.

Mash indicated with a flick of his eyes to my crotch and mouthed, “Hoodie.”

“Oh.Oh,”Clem and Sean said in spooky unison. Sean craned his neck a little as though trying to spy between Mash and me.

“Can you pull it back?” he asked.

“That’s what I said,” Mash added. “But it doesn’t work like that, apparently.”