“Well, that’s good,” I said after a few seconds of everybody staring awkwardly at each other. “Because Ci’s a noisy climaxer.”
“Holy fuck, Mash!” Cian said.
Both women snorted and turned their faces away.
“Not as loud as me, though,” I said, and their snorts morphed into full laughter.
“I cannot fucking take you anywhere.” Cian grabbed my arm around my bicep. “Excuse us,” he said to the women, and he pulled me into my bedroom, slamming the door behind us.
“That went well,” I said, sitting on the end of the bed.
“Gods, Mash, that was so fucking embarrassing. I’m trying to get a fucking job with this woman, not paint a vivid picture of my imaginary sex life.” Cian paced the rug. “Also, what the hell was that? Noisy climaxer?!”
“Well, you are.” I folded my arms behind my head and lay back on the mattress.
“What the actual fuck? I am not. And like, when have you heard me come?”
“All the time, mate. I lived with you for . . .” I added up the years Cian and I were roommates. “Nine years. I’ve heard you come a lot.”
“Oh my gods.” He scraped his hands down his face, pushing his glasses askew. Resumed his pacing. “Oh my gods.”
“I don’t know what you’re flapping about. You hear me come all the time.”
“This isn’t happening,” he whimpered, still cradling his face, then falling onto the mattress in a position that looked like he was praying.
All this talk about coming was making my knots feel a little heavy.
He lifted his head and whispered, “Are they going to be suspicious if they don’t hear sex noises?”
I thought about it. Yeah, probably. That was the answer, though I doubted Dee-Dee would grass on us to Nana. She’d been too relieved earlier to scent Cian on me.
“It’s fine, I’ll just wank extra loud,” I offered. Cian pretended to weep. “You can put your headphones on or something.”
He puffed out a breath. Resigned. “Fine, whatever.”
“Are there any cars waiting for us?” I said.
Cian crawled up the bed and peered through the curtains. “No, not yet.”
I had an idea. “Maybe before we go back out there, we should practice kissing.”
His hand slipped off the window ledge. “What?”
“Like, okay, I wanna make sure if I randomly kiss you in front of every pack in Lykos, that you’re not going to shit yourself . . . that you’ll just be natural about it.”
“I’ll be cool, I promise. We don’t need to practice. Besides, I hear a car coming.”
I sighed.
I shouldn’t have been disappointed by that.
Hungry Like the Wolf
Present Day
I’d never been in a professional kitchen before, so I had nothing to compare it to, but Clem’s bed and breakfast kitchen was beautiful. So big and shiny and clean. So very fucking clean. It sat at the rear of The Full Moon B&B and took up a good three-fifths of the ground floor. Comparatively, it was enormous, butthen I thought back to the size of the marquee and the sheer number of wolves—who on average ate at least twice the amount of food as a human—and it made sense.