Page 155 of The Good Boys Club

He smelled like the ravine. Like fresh air, and moss, and damp dirt beneath our dress shoes. Like that first stolen kiss, and like glittering cloudless star-strewn skies. Like watching out for shooting stars, and making hopeless, fanciful wishes at the age of twenty-four.

He smelled like our first student flat. Like experimenting with my cooking, of freshly baked bread, and exotic fruits, and overpriced coffee. Like smoking too much weed on the balcony,and listening at his doorway to his breathing patterns while he slept. Like yearning to sneak in there and crawl into his arms.

He smelled like Mum and Dad’s town house during Winter Fest. Like waiting up all night in the armchair next to the open fireplace, glued to my phone in case he found a bar of signal to call or text me.

He smelled like the ocean at Kuda Bay. Like the coconut sun cream I used, and sitting under the beach umbrella reading while he ran back and forth to the sea, splashing me with the salty spray and digging holes in the sand.

He smelled like that birthday crown we took turns wearing, and every smile we ever shared. Like all the songs I had ever listened to that made me think of him. Like all the times I ached for him. All the times I sat alone—a park bench, my car, my bedroom in all its various locations—and prayed things were different.

He smelled like“good morning, Bangers,”and“love you, bro,”and“Cian, I’m so fucking in love with you, sometimes I can barely spare a thought for anything else.”

Mash smelled like us.

“Wanna rail me now?” he said.

“Yes. Gods, I need you. Holy crap, I need to fuck my mate.” My mate.

Mash was my mate.

He nipped at my collar and then spun around, extending his front paws until his legs were flat on the ground and his butt was sticking up in the air. His tail swooshed magnificently from left to right. It was even fluffier in wolf form.

“This might be uncomfortable for a while. We don’t have any lube.” Even if we did, we lacked opposable thumbs to pump the bottle or apply it.

“Don’t care. Just need you now. I showered before we left for the shift, by the way,” he said.

I knew what he was asking for, so I wasted little time dragging my tongue from his balls, up his furry taint and over his hole. He groaned. His voice human-like, but quickly morphing into something more beastly. I used my saliva as lube, moving around his hole in small circles, pushing my tongue inside, lapping at it until I was satisfied it was as lubed up as I could get it. Mash’s back legs were shaking so much he looked on the brink of collapsing.

“Holyfuuuuuuuck,”he whined. “I told you getting rimmed as a wolf would feel amazing. Your tongue is so rough.”

“Are you ready?” Please, please be ready. “Or do you need more prep?”

“No more prep. I’m gonna fucking come all over the dirt if you keep doing that. Fuck me now, please. I need you to fuck me right now.”

Thank gods. I wasn’t sure how much longer I could wait. I mounted him. Hopped up onto his back, wrapping my front paws around his waist and lining my cock up with his hole. My knot was already tingling, ready to inflate. It was going to expand as soon as I felt his heat, I knew that much. I needed to get inside him fast.

“This isn’t gonna last very . . . I’m sorry in advance, that’s all. I should have prepared for this.” Knocked one out earlier so I might have stood some chance of making it beyond a minute.

“It doesn’t matter. I won’t last either. You should see the precum gushing out of me. It’s like someone left a tap on. Besides, I probably won’t remember it anyway.”

“True,” I said. The thought was both comforting and sad. On the one hand—paw—it didn’t matter how shit my performance was, but on the other, he wouldn’t have these memories. A part of Mash that was only ever for me.

I gripped him around the waist. “I love you, by the way.” Another apology for the lack of lube and prep, and I tiltedmy hips towards him. My cock slid in, gently at first, but the resistance wasn’t as great as I’d imagined it would be. In fact, it was . . .

“Do werewolves have self-lubricating assholes?” I said, laughing at my joke.

“Maybe,” Mash said, decidedly not laughing along with me. “How else are we gonna comfortably butt fuck? Apparently, we’re more fertile during the full moons.”

“Wait, what?” My hips, which had begun thrusting of their own accord, stilled. “You’re taking the piss.”

“Nope.” He turned his head to look at me. “Don’t you have mpreg in shifter . . . genetics?”

“No, we do not. We are much more human in that respect.” What a time to find out I could impregnate my mate, when I was balls deep inside him. “So you knew? You knew that this might result in . . . there being three of us?”

“Yeah, but I never really thought about it until just now,” he said.

“But you wanted me to fuck you before we were mated. When you assumed I’d be moving back to Remy.” I didn’t want to jump to conclusions, so I stopped my train of thought right there.

“Only mates can procreate,” he said. “In wolf form, I mean. In human form I could get anyone pregnant, but in wolf form it can’t happen without the bond.”