Page 131 of The Good Boys Club

“You sorted out your little tip problem?” Sean asked as we bid Rita good evening and began the five-minute walk to the tent. It was a dry but overcast day, meaning that there would be no visual cues like the moon. The other wolves would simply start shifting, and I would just have to follow their lead.

“Tip problem?” Felix said, muscling between Sean and me.

“Uh, yeah, um . . .” I began.

Clem saved me. “At the restaurant. There was an issue with the tips not being properly divided amongst the kitchen and wait staff.” She turned to me. “Have you fixed it?”

“Sure have,” I said. “At least I think I have.”

Felix, obviously bored with all the grownup shop talk, sped up his pace so he could flick his sister on the back of the head. “Mum told me you’re actually a simulacrum. Do you know what that is?” I heard him say to her.

“So, how did you do it?” Sean asked once his kids were out of earshot.

“Partial shift. Like with the ears . . . just in the dick skin . . . area.” I said.

“Genius,” he said.

“Makes it bigger too,” Mash added with a wink.

“Do not forget, once we’re shifted . . .” Mash leaned in close, still holding eye contact. We were mid-stripping off all our clothes and placing them into the littleMash Cassidylabelled cubby. Me, neatly. Mash, stuffing them in haphazardly in any manner he fancied, including chucking his scuffed to fuck trainers on top—on top!—of his hoodie.

“Yes?” I said, encouraging him to finish his sentence.

“I will need to you fuck me, and fuck me hard with your huge wolf cock.” He looked over my shoulder. “Oh, hi Nana.”

“What the hell?!” I spun around, my heart racing, my hand over my meat because there was no way I could survive under the beady gaze of Mash’s alphaandkeep my foreskin magically vanished.

Mash began laughing. Rita wasn’t there, she didn’t even shift any more. Fuck’s sake. We were still alone in our part of the marquee.

“Shit yourself,” he said. “But for real. You promise you’ll do that?”

“Well, I can’t promise.” I took my glasses and my watch off, and stashed them in the cubby so I didn’t forget like last time. “Because circumstances might be different in a couple of hours, but . . . I’ll try. Besides, there’s no lube in the forest, and evenif there was, we won’t have opposable thumbs to apply it. Or stretch you.”

“What if I suck you first, get you nice and wet?”

I closed my eyes and tried to push the thought far from my mind. The last thing I needed was to get a stiffy in front of one hundred now somewhat familiar to me wolves.

“If you don’t fuck me, prepare for me to beg. I can’t guarantee that I’m not a total dickhead when shifted. I bet I beg.”

“I mean . . .”

“I actually love begging,” he continued. “It’s hot as fuck. Oh shit, I’m getting a sem—”

As though moving without instruction from my brain, my finger bridged Mash’s lips closed. “Why do I put up with you?”

“Because you love me,” Mash said, muffled. He licked my finger, then pulled away to stuff his shorts, with his underpants still moulded to the crotch, in the cubby.

Well, that was true.

“Ooh,” Mash said after a few moments of me staying silent. “I can feel the shift. It’s happening.”

With that, the noise levels in the room picked up through the gears until the collective howling was so loud I thought my skull might pop. The only way to deal with the volume would be to wolf up myself and join in.

Around me bodies sprouted fur, skeletons cracked like glow sticks and elongated.

Mash grabbed my face. “Before I shift, I need to ask you something.”

“Yes, I’ve already said, I’ll fuck you if I can,” I said. Shouted actually, over the howling.