Page 130 of The Good Boys Club

“Um . . .”

Sex while shifted wasn’t something a werewolf could fully consent to. It was different when two shifted weres fucked because they were both equally out of it—see also, two drunk people having sex—but I would be aware. I would feel as though I was taking advantage of him.

“You want that?” I asked.

“So fucking much.” His hand didn’t stop moving.

“You realise you can’t fully consent to that? Like . . . it’s a little rapey.”

“It’s not rapey if I consent right now, is it? Am I gonna have to beg?” he said.

“No, of course not. Don’t beg.”

“Oh,” he whined, his movements stalling.

“You want to beg?”

In answer to my question, Mash slid off the bed and landed on his knees at my feet. “Please, Bangers. Please knot me in wolf form. I will be such a good boy for you. I’ll make you feel so good,plus I’m so fluffy and huge you can use me as a big pillow to recover on.”

Triple damn it. “Yes, okay. Fuck, that sounds hot.”

“Yes!” he punched the air, and I accidentally breathed in the scent of him—of me on him. I should have told Riley to give us forty-five minutes.

“You’re going to make me so late for my cheffing gig.” I sucked in a breath. “Get on the bed. How’s your asshole?”

Mash hopped up. “Great. Gods bless my rapidly healing werewolf sphincter.”

It turned out Clem didn’t mind at all that I’d missed work. In fact, she only wanted to check we were okay after not seeing either of us for the rest of the party.

“It’s not like Mash to miss a piss-up. I thought maybe you guys had a fight. You know . . . because of Sam, but now I know better,” Clem said, not so subtly sniffing me. “So, you finally did the marking properly, huh? You smell good and all, but I’m gonna have to stand over there. You smell too much like my baby bro, and it’s giving me the ick.”

At the luncheon slash scran-up, we stuffed our faces with roasted wild turkey and potatoes, and afterwards we went back to the house to chill out. We watched a Lucy Stirling movie inthe sitting room with the rest of the pack. Mash and I crowded onto the love seat together, his arm draped over my shoulder the whole time. His fingers tickled the bottom of my wolf ear, either to remind me to keep them wolfy and furry because everyone was around, or because he liked the soft feel of them.

I spent the entire movie—some road-trip comedy about a family trying to get to Gryphon World—breathing in the scent of him, and then praying I wouldn’t chub up at the smell.

I failed. Had to sit for an hour and forty minutes crossed legged. I kept thinking about tonight, about fucking Mash in wolf form. I saw none of the film.

Not that anyone was concentrating on the action. Kimmy and Dylan were having a quiet but enthusiastic debate on which Lucy Stirling movies were the best, and whether it was really her boobs inThe Last Bark,or if they used a body double.

Felix and Juno were not-so-quietly arguing over who would shift first, and if tonight would be Felix’s first shift.

Juno said, “No.”

Felix said, “Go suck a bag of dicks.”

Clem said, “We do not say ‘suck a bag of dicks’ to your twelve-year-old sister.”

To which Felix reluctantly apologised, and Juno flipped him off behind Clem’s back.

Riley tapped away at a laptop.

Sean made several popcorn runs to the microwave, only devoting his full attention to the screen for that one scene when Lucy strips off behind a bush to wash in a river which then turns out to be infested with crocodiles and also somehow winds up being on national news.

And Rita dozed in an armchair.

Only Mash watched it. It wasn’t a rom com, but he’d seen this one countless times. Ordinarily, he’d make lewd comments about Lucy “getting it” but he kept quiet, laughing at the funnymoments, or else watching me before they happened so he could share my joy.

After the movie finished, we chatted and ate sandwiches. Sunset was over an hour earlier than last month, so at about seven o’clock we headed to the marquee.