Page 129 of The Good Boys Club

It’s Knot You, It’s Me

Present Day


Ishot out of bed like my ass had been lit on fire.

“Shit! I’m late.” I didn’t know exactly how late, but I knew I’d overslept. I grabbed my watch from the shelf in the bathroom. “Shit, shit, shit.” Two twenty.

“What are you doing?” Mash said, his voice groggy with sleep. He yawned, stretched out his spine, and his hand dropped to his morning wood. We were both naked.

“We’re late for the luncheon,” I called back, doing my best to ignore Mash’s little whimper as his grip moved up along his shaft. I pulled on clean underpants.

“Luncheon? You sound like your folks.” Mash’s eyes went wide, he let go of his dick, pushed himself to a seated position. “Ah, fuck, I didn’t mean that. You’re nothing like—”

I cut him off. “Thanks, but I don’t have time for this. I was supposed to be at Clem’s by midday.”

“It’s just the pre-shift scran-up. It’s not formal. People arrive whenever they wake up,” Mash said, settling back down now that he’d consoled himself he hadn’t offended me.

“But I told Clem I’d help her.” I pulled on a clean pair of jeans, a T-shirt and shirt combo, and my brown boots because the other ones were probably a biological hazard at this point. Definitely not fit to be worn in a place of food preparation.

“You’re allowed time off. She’s not even paying you,” he whined, wrapping his fingers around his cock once again and closing his eyes. “Oh, fuck.”

No, dammit, he was so distracting. “Mash, can you stop wanking for five seconds so that we can—”

There was a knock at the bedroom door.

Mash’s response was to remain exactly as he was—cock out and in hand, his other arm wrapped backwards over the pillow.

I cracked the door open a fraction and peered out.

Riley stood there, face beetroot red. “Oh, thank fuck, you’re dressed. I thought I was intruding on—” She cleared her throat. “Clem’s looking for you, by the way. She asked me to find out if you’d overslept.”

“I did. I’m so sorry. Can you tell her I’ll be there in fifteen minutes?”

“No problem,” Riley said.

I closed the door behind her.

Mash threw his pillow at me. “Hey, do you wanna watch me come?”

Yes. “No time.”

He rolled his eyes. “It won’t take long. I’m really good at this.”

I ignored him and finger combed some Wolfwax into my hair.

“Don’t you at least want to know what I’m gonna think about?”

I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Fine. Go ahead.”

“You fucking me, and we’re both wolves.” He dragged his hand upwards and cried out. Damn it, now I was gonna have to chef next to his sister with a semi.

“Request?” he added, sobering suddenly.


“Would you do that? Would you fuck me as a wolf? Tonight?”