“So you’re not staying? You’re going with him back to the city?” Sam moved into my space, pressing her chest against mine, her mouth near my ear. But again, she wasn’t flirting. Her body language was more threatening. “You would really put your pack through a power battle? Mash, you of all people should know not to go falling in love with city types.”
“I’m not going back to Remy,” I said, before Sam could climb any higher on her horse. “At least not to live there. I’ll only goback to sell my apartment and my car and pack up, I guess. I’m going to accept the alpha call at the Hunter’s Moon next month. I would do it tomorrow, but I need a little more time with him.”
“Oh, babes.” Sam wrapped her hand around the base of my neck, stroking gentle circles with her thumb. “You know what happens to wolves who are separated from their mates, don’t you?”
“I’m fully aware.” And I was, but it wouldn’t affect us like that. We weren’t mates. Weren’t even technically pre-mated. “We haven’t swapped mate bites yet, so . . .” I didn’t know how to finish that sentence.
Sam seemed to understand, regardless. “You’ve got nothing to lose by asking him to stay. He can only say no.”
I nodded, knowing full well I wouldn’t ask him.
“He smells great on you, by the way,” Sam said with a heavy sigh. The kind of sigh a person does when they know the other person is royally fucked and they’re out of legitimate advice.
“Right,” I agreed.
“What’s going on here?” Cian said, suddenly appearing behind me. He wasn’t smiling any more.
Sam pulled away from me, putting three feet of space between us, but her rabbit-in-the-headlights expression showed she thought the damage had already been done. My “mate” had caught us embracing.
“Bangers, this is—”
“Sam, yes, we’ve met,” he said matter-of-factly. Holy shit, he was jealous. And triple holy shit, he was fucking gorgeous when he was jealous. All brooding, moody, dark hair, and scowl. “Your ex-girlfriend.”
“Honestly, we were never like that,” Sam said, the panic clear in the wobble of her speech.
She was right. We weren’t ever anything close to boyfriend and girlfriend, and I should tell Cian that. Put his mind—and Sam’s—at ease. But . . .
Part of me wanted to see how far I could push him, how far I could take it, and what he’d do when he snapped. Jealous Cian was hot as fuck, and I was getting very,veryinappropriate thoughts about him now.
“Not my ex. We never dated, but we hooked up a lot,” I said, watching the muscles in Cian’s jaw twitch as he ground his teeth. “Like all the time.” I had to clamp my mouth shut to stop my smile from giving everything away.
“Oh, what’s that? Someone on the other side of Lykos needs me? I’ll be right there!” Sam said. She called out the last part to no one in particular, and before either of us had a chance to say anything, she jogged away from us.
I took in a gulp of air and pursed my lips even tighter.
Cian hooked his fingers around the collar of my T-shirt and tugged downwards, pulling my face close to his. “You’re mine,” he growled.
In an instant, the grin was wiped from my face, replaced by immediate, debilitating mega-horn. Now it wasn’t merely a curiosity—to see how far I could push him—but a need. I needed him to claim me. With every molecule of my being.
To show me what “mine” meant.
“I know I’m being out of line,” he whispered, his jaw still clenched. “But seeing you with her—with anyone else—it makes my inner wolf rage. When I go back to Remy, you can fuck whoever you want, but while we’re here playing this game of fake mates, you belong to me.”
Gods, yes.
“What are you going to do about it?” I asked.
“I’m gonna make sure everyone knows you’re mine.”
A guttural moan slipped from my throat. Cian could only be referring to one thing. I shouldn’t have been so turned on by the idea, but I was already hard, my pulse spiking, my breath catching.
Cian manoeuvred himself behind me. He placed a splayed palm in the centre of my back and began guiding me away from the party area.
It was still early, but I knew we wouldn’t be coming back to the feast, and I was too horny to say goodnight to anyone. I spotted Nana and Mam, and Dee-Dee and Riley. That meant the house was most likely empty.
As we walked up the main path to the house, Cian kept his hand on me. Almost like I would run away if he didn’t, or perhaps he couldn’t bear not to touch me for those five minutes.