Answer your phone, Mashew, or there will be consequences.
It rang again.Alphaflashed on the screen. I answered.
“Hi, Nana,” I said, putting on my bright and breezy voice. TheI haven’t been ignoring you or my responsibilities for the past decadevoice.
“Mash,” she said, her tone part kindness and part woman at the very end of her tether.
My grandmother was one of those tough on the outside, tough on the inside old folk. As pack alpha, she ran a tight ship,because with eleven immediate members of the Cassidy pack and dozens of extended pack wolves, there was little room for flimsy leadership. She was the boss, the don, the head honcho, and she ruled with . . . well, not quite an iron fist, but like a really strong one. Basically, she took no bullshit, but she always had time and patience for the young ’uns—the cubs.
At thirty-four, I was considered neither of those things any more. My days of slathering on the excuses and worming out of these events were numbered, and I knew it. I refrained from whinging and waited for her to speak.
“So? We haven’t seen you since Winter Fest, and that was only for two nights. You need to come home for a shift.”
“Nana, you know I can’t be there.” I had to stick with facts. Keep emotion out of it. “Harvest Fest takes up the entire first term of uni. I can’t have that kind of time off work.”
She was quiet for a few moments. When she spoke, her voice was gentle . . . understanding. But not that understanding. “Mash, I’m not asking you to be here. I’m telling you, you need to come home. Harvest Fest is important—imperative even—for pack dynamics, and the longer you leave it, the harder it’s going to be to adjust. Time’s running out. I’m not sure how much longer things can stay as they are. I’m too old to shift.”
Urgh, I knew this was about more than the bastard Harvest Fest.
“But . . . uni . . .”
“Mashew Keyland Cassidy!” Damn, not the full name. “Do you understand what that means? I’m so old, I’ve lost my shift. I have to stay behind with the cubs now. This is your future. It’s time you returned home and mated. Dee-Dee will be here and she’ll make a fine mate for you.”
Every fucking time. Did they not realise I wasn’t interested in Dee-Dee? Not like that, anyway.
Sure, she was hot—ridiculously hot—about ten years my senior, a successful businesswoman, funny as fuck, with curves every-damn-where. If we’d met in a bar, we wouldn’t have made it to my apartment before I’d have had her clothes off.
But Mashew Keyland Cassidy was not built to get mated and have a family, or any kind of responsibilities.
“Dee-Dee’s my cousin,” I countered, even though technically she wasn’t.
“She’s not your cousin. Well, not your cousin by blood, anyway. She would make the perfect mate for you. She’s very focused and hardworking, makes a lot of money, and I think she’ll be great at keeping you in check.”
“No, Nana.”
“Beg your pardon,” Nana said, impatience growing more obvious in her voice.
“I mean, she’s wrong for me.”
No woman would ever be “right” for me or good at keeping me in check. I was uncheckable . . . untameable, whatever. I planned to live the rest of my life as a horny free agent. Fuck my way through the Eight and a Half Kingdoms. Never develop any attachment to or dependency on anyone. Avoid my responsibility. Avoid my calling.
Avoiding my callingwasmy calling.
No, my destiny was to live my life only for me. I didn’t need a mate, a wife, a family. Didn’t need to return to Howling Pines. Ever.
“Besides,” I added. “I have lectures and seminars that will start in September. Students who are relying on me. I can’t just up and leave them.”
“Mash, this is more important than lectures and students. Do I need to call the dean? She’s fae, but I’m sure she understands how much this means to were culture.”
“No! Gods no. Fuck no.” That was the last thing I needed. Not with the amount of trouble I was about to be in.
“So, you’ll speak to her and book the time off, and we’ll make arrangements with Dee-Dee’s pack.” It was not a question.
“I can’t . . .” I sputtered, panicking now. Urgh, fuck. “Um, I can’t because . . . uh, because I’m seeing someone already.” Shit, why had I said that? The first thought that had flitted through my head, and for some stupid reason, I seized it with both hands. But maybe it could work . . . It wasn’t gonna work. “Yeah, I’m seeing someone so I can’t . . . mate Dee-Dee.”
Brushing aside the fact she was my cousin anyway.