“Yes, I agree,” she replied. Taking a deep breath, she reached for the boys. They eagerly went into her embrace, and she set them down, holding their hands.
“I’ll see you out there,” she said.
“Yes, if Xander ever shows up,” I said. “I’m not sure where he’s gone off to.”
“He’ll show up.”
“True,” I nodded. “He always does.”
“He’s a good man, just like you.”
I kissed her on the cheek once more before she walked off with the boys and returned to the mirror to adjust my tie. I took a moment to assess my appearance, hoping I looked good enough for Nerine.
“As good as it’s going to get,” I muttered.
The three of us had come such a long way to arrive at this day, and now that it was finally here, I was excited, but honestly, I wanted to get this day out of the way so we could be a happily married throuple.
Perhaps the concept of justice of the peace wasn’t such a bad idea after all.
I should have listened to Nerine. I shook my head. I was never going to share that thought with her. I loved that woman more than any other in the universe, but she didn’t need to hold that over me.
I picked up my phone from the dresser and messaged Xander once more. If we arrived late for the wedding, Nerine would undoubtedly drive her dagger straight into our hearts. I drew back the curtain and glanced outside. From my vantage point, I could see the wedding party assembled below. Although we kept the guest list small, the caterers and production crew were occupied with preparations, so at least a hundred people were gathered outside.
We’d only invited family and allies. I watched for a moment as they all mixed and mingled with each other, eager smiles on their faces and drinks in their hands. At least the guests were well taken care of. I looked at the clock on my phone and saw we only had twenty minutes until we were supposed to be in our places.
Needing to ease my nerves, I walked over to the bar cart in the corner, poured myself a snifter of bourbon, and downed it quickly. The warm amber liquid gave me just the shot of courage I needed.
I wasn’t afraid of marrying Nerine and Xander, not by a long shot.
But I was afraid of screwing something up and stumbling down the aisle.
Saying the wrong vows or something.
I chuckled at my thoughts, aware that none of this mattered, yet I was determined to give Nerine the perfect ceremony and wedding day she deserved. Nevertheless, a nagging feeling lingered at the back of my mind—a peculiar sensation creeping up my spine—that made me ponder how Xander was doing.
If only he’d fucking reply…
“Fuck this,” I muttered and decided to find him myself.
Xander wasn’t the kind of person to arrive late without a reason. I hoped everything was okay, and he’d lost track of time.
I stepped outside through the door leading to the garden and was instantly surrounded by guests eager to wish me well. I tried to evade them, but then I encountered NyxDrakos, who stood at the edge of the crowd talking to Devani.
“Well, well, well,” Devani said. “Don’t you clean up nicely?”
She ran her fingers along the lapel of my tuxedo, smiling up at me.
“Thanks, Devani,” I replied. “Have you seen Xander?”
“No.” She shrugged. “Is everything okay?”
“Oh, yes, of course,” I assured her.
"Great. Nerine is truly fortunate to have both of you by her side.” She placed her hand on my arm, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Being touched by a woman other than Nerine, regardless of the context, felt entirely alien to me.
“Thanks again,” I said. “I have to keep moving. The show is about to start!”