I compelled myself to set aside these thoughts and concentrate on our successes. Together, we had successfully thwarted every attack against us and solidified our reputation as a force to be reckoned with. After Andraius's death left us vulnerable, we ensured to form strong alliances. We made it clear that anyone who dared to cross us or our territories in Boston and across New England would face dire consequences.
However, despite our achievements, I felt uneasy in this position as acting Godfather during Nerine's absence. I had only stepped into these shoes because there was no other option. Xander had refused to take on the role himself, and I couldn't blame him. His true strength lay in being an enforcer and second-in-command, his very presence striking fear into those who dared to challenge us.
But no matter how much we justified our decisions.I couldn't shake the disappointment and frustration of not being able to see Nerine fulfill her destiny. This title was always meant to be hers. We fought tooth and nail for her to reclaim her birthright. And yet, she was nowhere to be found.
I sighed, watching the trees swaying gracefully outside my window as a gentle breeze blew. Their fluid movements reminded me of Nerine and how effortlessly she carried herself. She was a mesmerizing sight, possessing a sharp wit and a tongue that could make even the toughest men weep.
The thought of never seeing her again was unimaginable. We had explored every lead in our search for her after her kidnapping, but each one came up empty.
It seemed that whoever had taken Nerine, along with her sisters and mother, did so intending to protect her from their enemies. But who? And how? Those questions, frustratingly elusive, haunted me day and night.
The Angelos family had countless enemies, and narrowing down who could have orchestrated such a plot was impossible. We investigated every organization, big or small, but none seemed powerful or organized enough to pull off such a feat.
I exhaled deeply and continued to gaze at the tranquil scenery. The burden of responsibility and worry weighed heavily on my shoulders, along with the fate of the Angelos family. Still, I only wanted Nerine to return safely and reclaim her rightful place as my queen, the Godmother of the Night for the Angelos Syndicate.
When Nerine vanished, we were desperate for answers.We first contacted Solon, an underground spy agency that had previously protected her. The mere mention of their name sent chills down my spine, aware of their capacity for dangerous secrets and covert operations. We hoped they could illuminate her disappearance, but instead, they refused to assist us, citing jurisdiction issues or some other convenient excuse. My suspicions about them grew as months passed without any updates on Nerine's whereabouts.
We then reached out to Nyx Drakos, who had introduced Nerine to Solon in the first place. But even she seemed genuinely devastated by Nerine's absence. Maybe she had no idea what had happened to our beloved. But I couldn't shake the feeling that someone at Solon held valuable information about Nerine's fate.
Despite our frustration and exhaustion, we refused to give up on finding her. Nerine had counted on us to protect her and her sisters from harm, and we had let her down. The weight of that failure sat heavily on my shoulders. It was personal to me. How could I face Nerine if we ever found her? Would she ever be able to trust me again after this colossal failure? I couldn't even bear the thought of marrying her now. She deserved someone better than me—someone stronger, smarter, and more capable of protecting her.
But who was protecting her now? The thought both terrified and enraged me. Had Nerine let someone else into her life? Someone who wasn't me or Xander? Was she safe? Was she even alive?
I often found myself lost in thoughts about what I would do if I discovered she had died. The mere possibility sentshivers down my spine and brought tears to my eyes. I could never move on if that became a reality.
Instead, I pretended she was still alive and well, living her life somewhere, untouched by the chaos and danger we faced. It was the only way to get through each day without falling apart.
But those dark thoughts still lingered like an unending nightmare that threatened to engulf me. That's why I immersed myself in work, attempting to keep my mind occupied and distant from the darkness that constantly hovered over me.
I glanced at the door again, hoping Xander would walk through any moment, so my mind shifted to some other priorities. And just as if he had heard me, the door burst open.
Xander strode in, looking like he owned the room. His serious expression added to his natural aura of confidence and made him more appealing.
Nerine liked to call it his god of lust and sex pose, and I couldn’t disagree.
At that moment, he reminded me that I wasn't alone in this mess.
My earlier annoyance with his lateness dissipated immediately.
"About time," I grumbled, reverting to my usual snarky demeanor.
Xander waved a book before slamming it down on my desk. I squinted at the novel with its innocent-looking cover and butterfly design. Across the top was 'Sin and Deception,'written in bold letters, hinting at a darker story within.
Then he dropped a piece of paper beside it—an article from a newspaper he had printed. I frowned as I read the headline: "Author of Sin and Deception Reveals the Inspiration Behind Her Sexy New Sensational Best Seller!"
I glanced up at Xander, who, on closer inspection, seemed beyond agitated.
"Are you suddenly into dark romance now that Nerine's not here?" I joked, trying to lighten the tense atmosphere. "I always pegged you for a mystery or sci-fi guy."
Xander dropped heavily onto the chair across from me, his energy filling the room and making it feel almost volatile. He looked like he was about to explode with frustration.
"What’s all this about?" I asked, gesturing toward the book and the article. And why did he look like he was about to burst?
"Someone wrote a dark mafia romance novel," he started, leaning forward and pointing at the article. "And it has striking similarities to Nerine's life."
I raised an eyebrow. "It's just a romance novel. What's the big deal?"
"Don't you understand?" Xander exclaimed, his voice growing louder. "The author claims that she drew details from real life for this book, and although she never refers to Nerine by name, it's far too similar to be just coincidence."