Glancing at my boys on either side, I couldn't help but worry that anyone who saw them would know about the three of us.
"They already knew about us," Xander lifted my hand to his lips and kissed my knuckles softly.
Theo squeezed my fingers in reassurance. "Devani kidnapped you from a bed we all shared. It's pretty clear."
I chuckled softly, momentarily forgetting about the past. "I almost forgot about that."
"Did someone say my name?" A sultry voice called from the open doors of the library ahead of us.
Of course, she found a way past our state-of-the-art security and into the house.
"Did you know she was here?" I asked Xander, who was in charge of security measures.
"I suspected. It's nearly impossible to keep her away from you, even if we tried," he replied in a deadpan tone. “She’s like you and does what she wants.”
I couldn't help but smile up at him, grateful for their protectiveness and understanding.
“Go talk to your kidnapper, and we’ll help theirYai Yaiput them to bed.” Theo patted Charis’s back.
“I’d rather join this conversation,” Xander countered, his voice thick with determination. “Whenever those two get together, trouble always follows, and it only brings problems for the rest of us.”
“You aren’t invited,” Devani said matter-of-factly.
Xander scowled and considered pushing the issue but ultimately decided it was pointless. He shrugged and followed Theo and Mama up the grand staircase toward the bedrooms.
After a minute, Devani and I retreated to the sanctuary and comfort of the library I loved and missed so much.
"You look radiant, Nerine," she stated with a warm smile toward me. "Motherhood certainly suits you."
"Thank you," I replied gratefully. "I am overjoyed to have my babies back in my life, even if it wasn't under ideal circumstances."
"I can only imagine. And I'm sure you're thrilled to be reunited with Theo and Xander." She winked mischievously.
She wore a stunning emerald green velvet bodysuit paired with a sleek black choker embellished with real blackdiamonds. "Is this your usual attire, or just for our meeting? Wearing millions of dollars in jewels for a visit to my house seems excessive, even for the socialite known as the Queen of Diamonds."
“I left a mind-numbing event for you. Plus,” Devani hummed, running her fingers along the necklace. "I believe these jewels are the perfect accessory to welcome back the Godmother of the Night for the Angelos Family. I have a beautiful dagger that matches the necklace. Would you like to see it?"
"You are seriously disturbed."
"I never claimed otherwise." She settled gracefully onto a couch across from me, exuding an air of feline grace. "Now, let's get down to business. You have some decisions to make, Godmother."
"Yes, like how to finally destroy my enemies once and for all."
Her laughter rang out like a bell, filling the room. "It warms my heart to see you haven't lost your spark."
"My time of hiding and running is over,” I said as a vow. “First, we find Fiona, and then we will end it with everyone else.”
“Determination looks good on you.”
“Thank you.” I held her dark gaze. “What information do you have on Fiona?"
"I can say one thing about your baby sister: she is brilliant," Devani smirked, a playful grin tugging at the corners of her lips. "And resourceful."
"You know where she is. I fucking knew it. Tell me right now, or I will kill you," I warned through gritted teeth.
Devani raised an eyebrow in a challenge. "I'd like to see you try.”
I wouldn’t last more than two seconds in a fight with her. Devani was five foot two on a good day, but the assassin knew every trick in the book and could toss her six foot four, one hundred eighty-pound husband on his ass.