“Fiona should have had a personal securityteam,” I said, barely concealing my anger at their incompetence. “Where the fuck were they?”
“That’s what we’re trying to figure out,” Nerine said. “Someone assisted the Aetos family in coordinating this from the inside. It’s the only way the cameras I set up at her place stopped working, just like they did at Mama’s.”
Nerine picked up one of the boys and effortlessly settled him on her hip. He immediately snuggled into her neck, and she stroked his back.
Fucking hell. I had to focus on the issues and ensure we covered every base. However, the two boys before me were the only things on my mind. Their love for and bond with Nerine was clearly evident.
The desperate urge to reach out and stroke their cheeks pushed at me.
The other little one clung to Nerine’s leg. Sensing my interest, he turned and stared wide-eyed at Theo and me, a crease forming between his brows. Then, the toddler in Nerine’s arms redirected his attention to us.
God, they looked so much like us. They were perfect replicas of the three of us.
We were giants compared to them. Yet, despite the tense, chaotic energy surrounding them, neither seemed the least scared.
It was Nerine’s presence, I realized. With her, they felt safe and secure. Accomplishing such a feat within the confines of our world was astounding.
The two of them glanced at each other and then back to Theo and me as if they were trying to figure somethingout.
They were so fucking beautiful. My heart cracked wide open just seeing them. I wanted to gather them both in my arms but knew it would frighten them. So, I resisted that urge and allowed these feelings I never expected to fill my heart.
I couldn’t help but smile when the boys mimicked how my head tilted as if it were a game.
The next thing I heard was Nerine's command. “I need everyone out. Please exit the plane. Now.”
“Ms. Angelos, we have transportation waiting for you outside. Our instructions are to take you and your family to the designated safe house outside Phoenix. From there, we will coordinate the next phase of the plan.”
“Excellent, thank you,” Nerine said with an air of authority, disregarding their plans. “We will be down in a few moments. Mama, please go with these men, and the boys and I will join you shortly.”
“Okay, honey,”TheiaDelia said with an understanding smile. The plane cleared, leaving only the five of us on board alone.
Nerine sat the little one on the floor beside his brother and kneeled by them. “Boys, I want you two to meet some important people.”
They looked up at us curiously, intently.
My heart skipped a beat as I drank them in without the chaos of the others surrounding us. Theo inhaled deeply, and I knew he was as overwhelmed with emotion as I was.
“Do you recognize them?” Nerine asked, her voice so softit could have been a whisper. “I showed you pictures of them. They are your Papas.”
They each nodded as the crease between their brows returned. It reminded me so much of Nerine when she concentrated.
They were so fucking beautiful.
“Theo, this is Charis,” Nerine said, gently pushing the boy toward us.
Theo gasped at hearing the boy’s name, his mother’s maiden name.
“Xander, this is Hayes.”
My eyes widened as I realized what she’d done. She’d honored our mothers by giving the boys our mothers’ maiden names.
She couldn’t understand how much it meant to me, and I loved her for it. Tears burned the backs of my eyes, but this was no time for crying.
Hayes gave me the same curious inspection as before.
“Hey there,” I said in a gentle tone. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Theo knelt beside us, watching the boys carefully.