“Is Devani here?” I asked.
No one replied.
I attempted to stand again, but Theo and Xander restrained me this time, staying by my side.
“What’s going on? I want to know why you’re here,” I demanded. “Where is Devani?”
They responded by dividing and at the very back stood Mama.
It wasn’t just Mama, but Charis and Hayes were in her arms.
“Oh my God.” I rushed to her, unsure if I was imagining what I saw, until I wrapped my arms around them. “Mama.”
Relief washed over me, and the next moment, both boys grabbed onto me, eager for my attention. “Mama, Mama, Mama.”
I took them from my mother’s arms, holding them close. Their tiny bodies felt so warm, and they smelled amazing.
“You’re safe,” I whispered, kissing their foreheads.
Mama ran her hand down the back of my hair. “They’re safe."
Tears streamed down my cheeks. There was no way I could repay her for always protecting my babies. This woman had sacrificed everything for me.
"Thank you, Mama. Are you okay?”
She nodded, smiling at me. She pulled me to the nearby sofa, pushing me and the boys down. She brushed my hairfrom my forehead, tucked it behind my ear, and then cupped my cheek to wipe away my tears.
I couldn’t help but find solace in her mothering, even while I held my children.
I shifted my attention to Theo and Xander.
They stayed in their original spots, even though I knew they wanted to get closer to me and the boys.
I wouldn’t keep them waiting long. “I tried to call you,” I told Mama. “I tried to call Fiona, too." My mother's eyes darkened at the mention of my sister’s name, and her expression fell.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, as the relief from moments ago vanished and dread resurfaced, hot and raging.
She shook her head, the bleakness in her blue eyes reflecting sheer devastation.
Before Mama could say anything, a woman about my height stepped forward. “Ms. Angelos, we need to talk. I’m Agent Davenport. Director Devani Patel-King said you would understand the message.”
“I see,” I said, placing the boys on the ground, where they immediately clung to my legs and stood up.
Devani never used her official title. Technically, she was retired and had relinquished her director position. However, in her world, no one really left the job. For her to invoke her position and dispatch a team with an agent meant we were in an extraction protocol.
She prepared us for this, but I never expected it actually to happen. Something occurred, but what exactly? “Thank you for bringing my family back to me.”
"Certainly, ma’am. We’ve made additional arrangements, which include Mr. Nephus and Mr. Onassis.”
“What the fuck is going on, Angel?” Theo asked. “Updating us would be a great idea.”
“First, I need to know why Fiona isn’t with Mom and the boys.” I fixed my gaze on the agent.
From my peripheral vision, I saw Mama wipe tears from her eyes, and I realized that someone had taken her.
“Your sister’s whereabouts are unknown. We believe the Aetos family has taken her.”
Everything inside me froze. No, no, no.