Page 60 of Sin and Deception

I opened my hand and spun the blade over my palm, and for the first time in so long, the sense of control, the power I once felt, bloomed inside me.

“This saved me that night. It allowed me to reclaim my life.”

“No,” Theo countered. “You saved yourself that night. That was just the tool you used to regain your life.”

I met his stormy gaze. “Don’t forget that you and Xander cleaned up my mess.”

“We protected our queen, as we’re supposed to.”

I couldn’t help but swallow, feeling the back of my throat burn with emotion.

"Aren't you tired of fixing all the messes I make?"

“In which organization do the Seconds sit around and do nothing?” Theo asked. “It’s our job to clean up whatever situation the family head puts us in that week. Your situation with Andraius was nothing compared to whatTheiosAlex handled with your dad.”

“From the stories, Pops told me,” Xander said. “WhenTheiosPeter took over the organization, he got into territory wars over stupid shit, caused rifts with allies, and even killed the wrong asshole or two. As his second, Pops had his hands full cleaning up the situations and ensuring all was right with the world.”

I shook my head. “It’s difficult to view Papa as anything other than the calm, rational man I remember."

“We’ve got your back, Angel.”

The cabin pressure fluctuated, signaling our arrival at the airport.

“Can we pause this for now and focus on what’s going on with our family?”

“For now,” both men said in unison, and I sighed in relief.

A few moments later, the plane landed and slowly taxied down the runway toward the hangar. With each second that brought us closer, my heart raced faster and faster.

We all looked out the window as the plane glided into the hangar, the light streaming inside gradually fading to darkness as the building blocked the sun.

I searched the hangar and initially saw nothing until a swarm of people in black military fatigues surrounded the plane.

“Here we go,” I muttered, letting out an exasperated sigh. “Stay calm.”

Theo and Xander followed my gaze.

“I can’t make out that little logo. What is it?” Xander asked.

I replied, having seen the uniforms up close and personal more than once. “Red scorpion. Solon’s insignia worn on the upper left arm.”

The group stood in formation, waiting for the stairs to descend. They didn't try to hide the fact that they were armed to the teeth with automatic weapons.

I studied them as uneasiness settled in my stomach.

“This isn’t my usual Solan team. I don’t recognize any of them.”

“Well, let’s find out what they want, shall we?” Theo raised his eyebrow and stepped toward the door.

He signaled for the attendants to release the latch. Gradually, the stairs unfolded until they reached the ground.

In a flurry of movement, the cabin filled with agents. They shoved Theo back, positioning him next to me.

I tried to jump up, but Xander kept me in place.

“Stay right here,” he commanded. “I didn’t find you justto lose you again.”

My heart raced in my chest, and I could only hope we would survive whatever happened next.