Instead of showing mercy or acknowledging my pleas, they continued with vengeful satisfaction evident on their faces. This entire situation was a cruel game to them, and they were relishing my pain.
"Please," I begged again, my shame forgotten in the face of overwhelming desire.
In response, Theo thrust harder and faster, their bodies slick with sweat as they moved together in perfect harmony.With a roar of release, Theo came hard inside Xander, shaking with the force of his orgasm.
He never broke our intense stare as he reached forward to take hold of Xander's cock, working him until Xander cried out and released himself onto the bed.
They took a moment to catch their breath, and I watched, awash in the deepest pain, the most intense desire, and the excruciating loneliness that consumed me.
Theo pulled out of Xander’s trembling body, and he stood up, their gazes filled with disdain as they looked down at me. My skin was slick with sweat from arousal, and my heart felt like it was cracking wide open as they shook their heads.
“We don’t want you anymore, Nerine. You’ll never be our Angel again,” Theo said coldly.
My entire being cried out in protest, tears streaming down my cheeks as I struggled against the restraints once more. But it was pointless. They were finished with me.
“No!” A loud cry tore from my throat in protest, tears streaming hotly down my cheeks as I struggled against the restraints once more. But it was all futile.
The movement jolted me awake, gasping for air.
As I opened my eyes, the darkness of my bedroom surrounded me, and I could still sense the lingering pain from the dream.
Or was it a nightmare?
No matter either way, I was still living in the midst of my personal hell.
My tiny apartment felt as empty as ever, mirroring thevoid in my heart and the loneliness that had consumed me for two long years. Running a hand down my body, I longed for the touch of the two men still holding my heart captive. Dreams like this had become all too familiar, and yet each time I woke up, the torment lingered, reminding me of what I had lost.
I rose from the bed and walked into my tiny bathroom, stopping to stare at my reflection in the mirror above the vanity. Standing naked and trembling, I couldn't help but trace a gentle finger over the obscene scar carved into my lower abdomen by my violent dead husband, Andraius.
Years ago, I had killed Andraius in self-defense, but the consequences still haunt me, even now.
I shook my head, setting those memories aside, and instantly, my mind shifted back to Theo and Xander.
I angled my body and glanced over my shoulder to study the tattoo etched down my spine. It was two dragons with their tails wrapping around the waist of an angelic figure. It symbolized our connection, our bond, and the love we shared.
I sighed, knowing this wasn’t where my thoughts should linger, but my body craved their touch, making me too restless to fall back asleep. Perhaps these dreams were an omen of the darkness looming on the horizon, warning me to prepare again.
The rows and columns of the spreadsheet blurred into one large, illegible mess. I squinted, attempting to make sense of it all and concentrate.
I sighed with frustration and did my best to ignore the chaos swirling around me in the office of SinCity Distillery. Its Firewater whiskey had become a cult favorite after a popular Hollywood actor used it as an ingredient in everything he served at one of his parties. The drink's Black label recently went viral after being featured in a blockbuster action movie. This resulted in a surge of new orders, creating a bottleneck for fulfillment at a small production facility.
I did my best to stay focused and input the crucialproduction data as quickly as possible. However, the chaos of the office kept invading my thoughts, and I found myself having to double-check my work.
Unfortunately, my biggest distraction today was the dream I had awakened from this morning. I still couldn’t shake the lingering fear it stirred up. Images of Theo and Xander haunted me even after I locked up the apartment and came to work. It felt like two figures were sitting on my shoulders, and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t flick them off. It was maddening, and if I didn’t figure out a way to cope soon, it was going to start causing serious problems.
I couldn’t afford any problems. My life depended on everything running smoothly without drawing attention to myself. I could easily attract unwanted notice if I made mistakes or talked to the wrong people.
“Hi, Rina,” Sarah, our admin assistant, said as she set a pile of files on my desk. “These just came in.”
Stifling a groan at the sight of the large stack of invoices, I reminded myself to be grateful for this mundane job. It provided the cover I needed to protect my identity, which was the most important thing.
Work was work.