Page 48 of Sin and Deception

"You were the youngest when everything happened," I confirmed.

As the pieces started coming together for him, he nodded slowly. "And that's why Zoe's death couldn't settle my father's debt. Her birth occurred years after that mess." The realization struck him hard.

"Yes," I replied softly, trying to offer some comfort with my words, if not with a touch. "Xander, I know this is a lot to process. But please believe me when I say that your parents weren't intentionally trying to hurt you by keeping this truth from you. They were likely trying to protect you in their own way."

"I'm not so sure about that," he retorted bitterly. "If that was their intention, they did a shitty job."

"Maybe they weren't successful, but it could have been their motivation," Theo interjected.

Xander sighed again, running his hand through his hair before facing me. His next question hung heavy in the air.

"I hate to ask, but is there more?"

With reluctance, I nodded. "A little."

"Then spill it," he demanded.

"Gusto knew about the three of us the whole time," I revealed. "He assisted Andraius with the coup at the Angelos compound and informed him that the money was under my name. He convinced him that marrying me was the best way to access it."

"That's un-fucking-believable," Theo exclaimed. "So now we finally know. All these years of scheming, death, and violence were just revenge for the mess my father made and the actionsTheiosPeter directedTheiosAlex to take to fix it. Did I get that right?"

"Yes," I admitted sadly, knowing this was the truth behind everything that had happened.

We sat silently for a few moments as the weight of this revelation settled upon us. I desperately hoped they could see now that I had no choice but to do what I did. I prayed that they understood why I couldn't stay with them.

"I know I don't deserve it," I finally whispered, my voice trembling with emotion. "But do the two of you think there will ever come a time when you can forgive me?" My heart clenched as I waited for their response.



The transformation in Nerine's once fiery eyes was now evident. The intense blaze that had burned just hours earlier, demanding we release her from her bindings, no longer existed. In its place, her shoulders sagged with shame, and her cobalt eyes reflected nothing but remorse and anguish. It became clear to me just how heavy her burden was, along with all the dark secrets she carried.

My anger toward her vanished in an instant. How could I possibly blame her? If I were in her position, I couldn't say that I wouldn't have made the same choices.

No, any blame fell squarely on my family and Xander's. And ultimately, on Nerine's family.

Here we were, the three of us, confronting the consequences of our elders' actions. It was a cruel fate, but our enemies were unyielding in their quest for revenge. They would not rest until they achieved their goal.

And success, in their eyes, meant death.

But there was only one solution in my mind.

"The only way out of this is for me to remove myself."

"Remove yourself from what?" Xander demanded.

"From everything. From you. Our relationship," I replied, turning to face Nerine. "And from our sons’ lives."

"That's absurd, Theo," Nerine protested.

"She's right," Xander growled, clearly angered by my suggestion. "You can't give up on us because of this."

"I'm not giving up on anything. I'm proposing a solution to save our lives," I countered before returning to Nerine. "And saving our sons' lives, too."

Xander's voice rose in frustration. "And how is leaving us a solution?"

"It's the only way to keep us safe," I stated firmly.