Page 24 of Sin and Deception

Only with Mama could I let down my guard and show my vulnerable side. She had witnessed the horrors I’d endured and never turned away. She had stood by me, encouraging me to fight through the trauma inflicted upon me by Andraius when he forced me into marriage.

Even now, she supported me in every way possible.

"I hope it blows over soon and becomes just a passing fad, like many other things," she said, trying to offer some sense of optimism.

"So do I," I replied, wishing this nightmare would end.

"In the meantime," Mama hummed, signaling that she intended to change the subject and steer my thoughts away from wallowing in self-pity. "What are you doing to pass the time?"

I couldn't help but scoff at her question. "Umm, work. That's about it." I shrugged. "My boss, Penny, thinks I live like a hermit and invited me to go out tonight."

"What did you decide? I know you like her," Mama prodded.

"I said yes," I admitted, "but I can't shake this feeling that someone will recognize me."

"Where would you go?" she inquired.

"Dinner and then some clubs afterward," I replied reluctantly. "Honestly, it sounds awful. But turning Penny down is nearly impossible. She's so kind and genuinely wants what’s best for me. Plus, she keeps bringing up the idea of setting me up with someone, which is the last thing I need right now."

"It might do you some good to meet a nice man," Mama suggested, her tone gentle and understanding.

"Really?" I couldn't hide my annoyance. "Did you forget that I have two baby daddies? The thought of anyone touching me besides Xander or Theo is repulsive."

Mama paused momentarily before replying softly, "I never forget things, especially with my wonderful grandsons nearby. But I want you to enjoy yourself and relieve the stress on your mind. It's important to take care of yourself, Nerine. You've been through a lot."

Her words made me pause as I realized she was right. "Thank you for saying that, Mama. I needed to hear it."

"The issues with Fiona's book aren't yours to bear alone. We have resources. Use them."

It was time to call in Devani. She had caused this mess, and she could help solve it.

"I will, Mama," I promised, a sense of relief washing over me. "So, I've decided something."

She hummed in response, encouraging me to continue. "Let me hear it."

“Instead of going out tonight, I’m going to have an at-home self-care spa night with all my favorite products, order some delicious food, and enjoy a bottle of wine while watching a romantic comedy.”

“No men on that list. I hear you loud and clear,” Mama chuckled.

I couldn't help but laugh along with her, feeling lighter and more at ease.

"I love you, Mama. You always know how to make me feel better.”

"I love you too, sweetheart,” she beamed through the screen.

"Give the boys a kiss for me, okay?" I asked with a gentle smile.

"Of course," Mama said before we exchanged our goodbyes and ended the video call.

I sank into the plush cushions of my couch, releasing a deep sigh. After sending a quick text to Penny, I canceled our plans for the evening. I could already picture her teasing remarks when we spoke next, but that was a concern for another day.

Feeling relieved and free, I ordered from my favorite Greek restaurant in the hotel. As a proud Greek girl, knowing that the property owners shared my heritage and understood the nuances of our culture's cuisine was comforting. Finding authentic Greek food was rare, but the Lykaioses had perfected it.

Slipping into my coziest nightgown and fluffy robe, I sank onto the couch with a glass of pinot noir andswitched on the television. In the haven of my apartment, I didn't have to worry about being recognized or judged. My mind was racing with thoughts and worries, but at least I could unwind and feel comfortable in my skin.

Just as I finished preparing my bathroom for a luxurious spa session, there was a heavy knock on my door, causing me to frown. A moment later, the doorbell rang. Why couldn't they use that instead of pounding on the door and disturbing the neighbors?

For a split second, panic coursed through me until I glanced at the clock and remembered it was dinner time. I had completely forgotten about it in my rush to unwind and take care of myself.