XANDER: Asshole. Tell me more while I search.
A feeling of unease settled in my stomach as I typed my response to Xander. Something wasn't right about this whole situation.
ME: She's having lunch with another woman—someone wealthy and influential, considering the security team surrounding them. They are discussing going out, and the lady is trying to persuade Nerine to find someone to fuck.
XANDER: Over my dead body! You better stop it, or I will kick your ass.
ME: Keep dreaming. I’m the one person whose ass you can’t kick. Lucky for you, she doesn't seem too keen on the idea.
XANDER: Of course not. She knows she belongs to us.
But even as Xander mentioned this, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasoff.
XANDER: I found her. Rina Leto. She’s leasing an apartment in the hotel's residential tower. Apartment 1106. Can I leave our room now and see her for myself?
ME: No, keep digging. We need to know everything we can find out about this Rina Leto cover.
A few minutes later, he replied with more details.
XANDER: Rina Leto is the only child of Herbert and Tonya Leto, born and raised in Kansas City. Her parents died during her second year at Missouri State in a car hydroplaning accident. She studied business and project management and has no criminal record. She embodies the perfect girl next door, as clean as a whistle.
I clenched my jaw. Devani lied to me and hadn’t given two shits about it.
ME: This whole identity is airtight, which means only one group could have orchestrated this. Fucking Solon.
XANDER: Shit. We need to prove it.
ME: It confirms that Nerine didn’t leave us of her own free will. She wouldn’t have been able to conceal an operation like her kidnapping from us.
XANDER: Shit. This keeps getting worse. What now?
ME: Meet me in the lobby.
XANDER: On my way.
I left Nerine to continue her conversation with her friend. I headed toward the elevator banks leading to the main hotel corridor. A sense of dread settled over me. If Solon were involved in all this, things would become much more complicated and dangerous.
As I waited, I saw Xander exiting a lift and stridingconfidently toward a distant corner of the bustling casino, not acknowledging me.
Keeping my distance, I discreetly followed him and then slipped into a seat at one of the electronic gaming booths.
As I inserted a card, I waited for the machine to show my available balance. I began playing a round while watching Xander amid the flashing lights and sounds of the machines. A crease marred his usually smooth brow, and the tight set of his jaw revealed his urgent need to act now and think later.
"Is she in there?" Xander's voice cut through the noise as he finally turned to face me between two machines on the opposite side.
I nodded, keeping my eyes on him despite the temptation to sneak glances at the woman we were both looking for. "Yes, but we can't confront her until she's alone."
His frustration was palpable as he ran a hand through his hair.
“Keep it together. Remember, I’m the one she fights with. You are the peacemaker, gentle and sweet. Don’t unleash your beast here.”
Xander wore a mask of cold-hearted ruthlessness in his enforcer role. His methods were calculatedly vicious. He rarely, if ever, raised his voice, but when he did, his deadly monster emerged, and he showed no mercy.
On the other hand, I was known for being cold and calculating—a manipulator and diplomat. I never truly allowed my emotions to influence my actions, except when inflicting my punishments, which were viciousand fucked up, especially since I enjoyed instruments or two during those times.
When it came to Nerine, Xander and I were totally opposite.
The woman knew exactly how to push my buttons to the point where I wasn’t sure if I wanted to fuck her or hang her off the side of a building. Meanwhile, Xander knew how to calm her down. He was her confidant and the one who smoothed her jagged edges.