“You say that now.” She winked playfully. “Just wait until you see the bartenders at Hagen’s new club. They'll gladly offer you something beyond a stiff drink if you catch my drift.”
She gave me another cheeky wink, and I rolled my eyes good-naturedly.
She was always so brazen and direct, which was one of the things I loved most about her.
"Subtle as ever, Penny," I smirked, unable to resist teasing her. "I can only imagine what would happen if you had a daughter mixed in with your boys."
"Oh, I would corrupt her just like I have my nieces," she laughed, sipping her wine. “Thanks for agreeing to come out tonight. If I don't push you, who will?"
Her question resonated deeply, reminding me of how painfully lonely I truly felt. I pretended everything was fine to survive, yet I felt hollow and empty inside. How could any woman choose to run from the loves of her life? Why was I constantly building walls around myself, preventing any real connections or friendships from forming?
Perhaps this outing with Penny could be a small step toward reconnecting with others.
"We're going to have an amazing time tonight," Penny assured, with excitement shining in her eyes.
I wanted to believe her. I wanted to let go and have fun like she did. But I knew returning to the carefree days before everything fell apart was impossible. Too much hadhappened. Too much had changed. I had chosen to stay away, but at what point did I need to let go completely? When should I stop hoping to be with Xander and Theo again? It felt like an impossible task.
Tears threatened to spill from my eyes at the thought of never seeing them again, but I quickly blinked them away. What we shared was real and special. Could I ever find that kind of love and connection with someone else? The idea seemed unfathomable. Xander and Theo were one of a kind, irreplaceable.
But I had to let go of that dream and move on with my life; that was the only way forward. As I ate my lunch, grateful for a moment of peace while Penny picked at her salad, I struggled with the urge to stay home tonight. Every instinct told me to remain vigilant and prepared for whatever might come my way. Skipping going out and heading to the gym to train with the other Solon agents would be better. Keeping my skills sharp and honed was crucial now, more than ever.
"You know, Hagen has a friend who might interest you," Penny said, her eyes bright and eager. "Handsome, rich, and a monstrous cock.”
I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at her words. “Handsome, rich, and a monstrous … cock?" I repeated, raising my voice in shock.
“Or so I’ve been told,” Penny quickly corrected herself, prompting us to laugh.
I shook my head but felt grateful for her friendship and concern. "Penny, you're incorrigible."
"I just want to see you happy and fulfilled," she shrugged nonchalantly before taking another sip of wine.
"My happiness doesn’t depend on my love life," I reminded her firmly.
"Your pussy begs to differ," she quipped playfully, causing me to blush and scold her once again.
But deep down inside, I knew she was right.
My heart yearned for a deep connection, but only with Xander and Theo. But I also knew those thoughts couldn't consume me. Fiona's actions had thrust us all into dangerous territory, and I needed to stay focused and keep everyone safe.
I silently vowed to do just that as we continued our lunch, laughing and chatting like old times. And maybe, just maybe, Penny's matchmaking would help me take a small step toward moving on and finding happiness again.
In the back of my mind, I couldn't deny that Penny was right. Before I left, Theo and Xander had satisfied every one of my sexual desires. Our chemistry as a throuple was a constant, living force pulsing with desire and lust. It seemed almost unquenchable most of the time.
Thinking of them made my body tremble, recalling how I felt so alive, satisfied, and completely filled with love. Without Theo and Xander, my life felt empty and lacking affection.
Penny raised an eyebrow, challenging me. "Tell me I'm wrong."
I sighed and rolled my eyes, refusing to admit her truth. But I couldn't stop my pussy from throbbing at the memory of them.
Ignoring Penny's knowing gaze, I turned my attention to devouring my cheeseburger. Maybe she would drop the subject if I focused hard enough on this greasy indulgence.
But she saw right through me. "The way you're devouring that cheeseburger says it all," she teased.
I groaned inwardly, reluctant to engage in this conversation. "Please, Penny. I said I'd go out tonight. Don't make me hook up with some random stranger."
"Just be open to possibilities," Penny urged, leaning in closer and gazing into my eyes with pleading intensity.
I gave in, realizing it was simpler to go along with her than to argue. "Fine, I can do that."