The door to my room flew open behind me, and I turned with anticipation, hoping to see them there with a reasonable explanation.
But it wasn’t a sheepish Xander in the doorway.
Nor was it my infuriating Theo.
Instead, it was Mama with Hayes and Charis in her arms. Anxiety was etched all over her face, leaving a heavy lump in the pit of my stomach.
“Did you find them?”
She shook her head slowly. “It doesn’t make sense. I took the boys to see Theo and spoke with him.”
“And then?”
“I asked him where Xander was, and he said he would return shortly. But now..." She paused, setting the boys on the ground, who immediately ran toward Fiona.
“What is it, Mom?" I asked intently.
“Nerine, I’m sorry. They’re both gone.”
My blood ran cold. I sat on the bed, not caring anymore that I might be wrinkling the luxurious silk.
“Everyone is looking for them,” she assured me.
I looked at Fiona with alarm. The smile she gave the boys as they came toward her disappeared.
“Devani,” she said, picking up Hayes and Charis, setting them on the sofa beside her, and pulling out her phone from her clutch. “She will handle this.”
“Call her now,” I urged, unable to mask the panic in my voice. “See if she can have her team search for them.”
She nodded and got up from her seat, and right away, Mama took her spot to keep the babies in check. At least the boys being a handful was typical for the day.
We needed to find their fathers.
They wouldn’t disappear together unless something were seriously wrong. Given how they pushed for the wedding, there wasn’t a chance in hell either of them would get cold feet.
I headed for the door, but Fiona stepped in front of me, her phone tucked against her neck, her arms folded, and a glare on her face. “No.”
“Get out of my way, Fiona. I have to look for them!”
“As Mama just said, everyone is searching for them. Devani’s on the line. She’s gathering her people to join our soldiers in finding them. And she told me to tell you, don’t leave the room, or she will kick your ass.”
I clenched my jaw. “I hate it when the two of you gang up on me.”
Fiona smirked and continued her conversation with Devani, completely ignoring me.
“She’s right,” Mama replied. “You need to stay here. If something is wrong, we can’t give them another target.”
Ariana huffed, “Mama. That’s not helping the situation. Don’t put those thoughts in her head.”
“Don’t worry so much, Nerine. They’re probably just having a drink or two and lost track of time.” Christina adjusted my train, draping it over a nearby chair.
“If they are just fucking around to mess with my head, I’m going to kill them.”
“Maybe you should rethink that glass of rosé,” Christina suggested.
My head spun, and I tapped my toe against the floor. “Fine, get me a glass.”
“Coming right up.” Ariana ran to the bar cart.