Page 43 of Intrigued By Love

I’d heard about these freshwater pockets but most were on private land and inaccessible to the public. I could understand why. This was a private oasis I wouldn’t want to share.

I swam toward Kai and pulled myself up onto the ledge. Shaking the water from my face, I saw the silhouette of my yacht anchored in the distance and the reflection of light from the house I’d built for Kai on the ocean water.

How would she react when she learned I’d been near her from the time she’d moved to Bora Bora?

“Sit. It’s time we talked.” She pointed to a smooth rock, snapping my attention back to her.

I sat, and she immediately straddled me, the lips of her pussy dangerously close to my cock. The water may have cooled my arousal but having her heat pressed against me was too tempting.

“I’m not sure this is such a good idea. All coherent thoughts are moving south, and sex on a rocky ledge is probably not as comfortable as it may seem in our heads.” I tried to lift her off by the waist but she tightened her thighs around mine.

“I’m sure you have enough willpower to resist.” She laughed and wrapped her arms around my neck.

“Then I suggest you stop wiggling on my dick.”

“Jax?” The amusement in her tone evaporated and grew serious, bringing my focus fully on her face.

“Yes, baby.”

“Are you sure you’ll be happy living here?”

I stared into her eyes. The uncertainty there made me want to shake her.

Cupping the back of her head, I drew her face to mine. “Absolutely certain.”

It was time to tell her how certain I was.

“I have a confession.” I ran a thumb over her lower lip. “Hopefully you won’t punch me in the gut for it.”

I glanced toward my ship, theKailani.

“You mean about the fact you’re the reclusive billionaire who lives on his mega-yacht off the coast of this island? Or that you’re the man who’s building the house made of glass on the cliff over there?” She pointed toward the house.

I swallowed. Fuck, I was in trouble.

“How did you know?”

“I didn’t until you glanced in the direction of the ship and then the house. Only someone who knew the lay of the island and what was on it could spot things from here, especially with how dark it is.”

This had the potential to go very badly.

“Then I guess you know I’ve been here for a while now.”

She nodded and then rested her forehead against mine.

“Why did you wait so long?”

“Because I wasn’t sure if you’d welcome me or try to shoot me.”

She lifted her head. “I’m serious.”

“So am I. Losing you destroyed me inside. I was scared to make the same mistakes again, and if I didn’t know what I’d done, I couldn’t avoid them.”

She sighed. “I shouldn’t have left. I let my impulsive side dictate my decisions. So instead of confronting you about what was going on in our relationship, I ran. I hurt you. I hurt me. I’m sorry, Jax.”

“I’m sorry too.”

Tears glistened in her eyes.