Page 36 of Intrigued By Love

“For doubting you, for doubting us.”

This was a turnabout I hadn’t expected. For her to apologize, something must have happened. I wanted to have hope but I refused to believe things had changed from this morning until she said it clearly. “What does that mean?”

“It means…” She took a deep breath. “I want us to work. I want to be with you.”

“You want me to stay after everyone leaves?”


“Does that mean you’re going to marry me?” I asked as we approached the flower-covered aisle leading to the beachfront altar.

Her steps faltered for a split second. “Ask when it’s time, when I can say yes, not today. Today is about Lina and Thad.”

That meant she would say yes in the future. At least, I hoped. This pint-sized woman had me so twisted with wanting her in my life. Never had I chased a woman like this. Then again, I’d never loved a woman like this either.

“Just so we’re clear. I wasn’t going to leave even if you expected me to. I would have worn you down sooner or later.”

“Of course, you weren’t. You march to your own drummer.”

She had me there.

When we reached the altar and were about to separate, she looked up at me, backdrop of the ocean giving her an ethereal aura.

“I love you, Jax,” she whispered and then pulled free of my hold, knowing she’d floored me with her confession.

In fact, my heart felt as if it would explode. The only thing that would be better was if we were alone when she said those words.

I took my spot next to Thad as the rest of the wedding party got into position on their respective sides of the flower-covered wedding arch.

The wind picked up, carrying with it the scent of saltwater and flowers. At the same time, the clouds overhead shifted and beams of sunlight shined down on the altar.

This had to be a good sign, not just for Thad and Lina, but for Kai and me. Or if Raquel had anything to say about it, the horoscope she’d read to me this morning had come true. It had said something about the sun brightening my heavy heart and giving me clear direction.

I guess I owed Raquel an apology for rolling my eyes and tell her it was wishful thinking.

Now here I was, about to watch my best friend marry the woman of his dreams, while mine wanted to give us a real chance, a real future.

Damn, hearing three words from Kai’s lips had turned me into a sap.

The wedding march started, and I heard Thad say, “Finally.”

One day I’d get my “finally.” One day Kai would say yes.

I watched Kai and the way her eyes lit up the second Lina came into view. A tear spilled down Kai’s cheek.

I knew I should have been looking down the aisle at Lina but I couldn’t move my attention from Kai. The pure joy on her face told me she wouldn’t have gone so above and beyond to create this perfect wedding for her baby sister if she didn’t have a hopeless romantic side.

As if sensing me staring at her, she looked my way. All her shields were down in a way I hadn’t seen since our time in Vegas. She was finally letting me in.

“I love you too,” I mouthed.

I shifted my attention to Lina as she reached the bottom of the altar. She winked at me, telling me she’d caught what I’d said to Kai.

Well fuck, I hadn’t meant for that to happen.

Pretending nothing significant had passed between all of us, Lina kissed her parents and stepped toward Thad. I handed Thad a lei, custom-designed to match Lina’s gown, and Kai gave one to Lina. The couple exchanged the leis, draping them over each other’s heads.

At that moment, Kevin moved from his place by the groomsmen and lifted a conch shell. He blew into it four times, turning with each blow to invite the four elements of earth to bless the wedding.