Page 35 of Intrigued By Love

“Of course, I am. Just because I’m younger than you doesn’t mean I’m not wiser than you.”

God, I loved this girl.

“Yes, yes, on this matter you are.” I leaned over, kissed Mama on the cheek, and then smiled at Kiana.

“Now that we’ve figured out your love life, go have your face fixed. You look like hell.” Kiana smirked and pointed at the room where the makeup artist waited.

Chapter Fourteen


My breath caught as Kai came out with Kiana and Ani. Kai was a vision. The simple, strapless pale-blue gown showed off her curves in all the right places and gave me visions of what it would be like if we were the ones getting married.

After this morning, I wasn’t sure if it was only ever going to be a fantasy. I couldn’t get through to her, and my parents were always going to be a problem for us.

I’d barely acknowledged the pair since they’d arrived on the island. I knew there was no hope of making them see their actions in my life had caused a rift that could only be mended if they met me halfway. No matter if Kailani and I were together or not, I couldn’t let them manipulate my life anymore. Maybe I was a bad son, but at this point, I couldn’t care less.

“Everyone, you know your positions. Time to pair up,” Raquel announced as she looked at her watch. “The music will start in exactly three minutes.”

I moved to where Kai stood. Her beautiful deep brown eyes lifted to mine.

“You’re stunning.”

She licked her lush lips. “Thank you. You look handsome too.”

Without thinking, I leaned down to kiss her, and to my surprise, she lifted her face and the knot in my stomach eased. Maybe there was hope for us, after all.

“Oh no, you don’t.” Raquel set a hand on my chest and pushed me back. “You will not mess up her makeup. Her horoscope said she has a romantic moonlit night ahead. So, save the smooching for later. Right now, we have a timetable to follow.”

Well, I guessed we couldn’t argue with Raquel’s daily horoscope predictions. I would take any positive prediction about our future that I could get, especially after this morning.

I stepped back and offered Kai my arm. We moved into position behind Thad.

Thad pulled at the collar of his white suit. It was surprising to see him nervous. He was always so composed and sure of himself.

I would have made some wisecrack about his anxiety if I wasn’t in the same restless state.

Kai’s fingers flexed against my jacket sleeve. “Jax?”

“Yes.” I peered down at her.

She opened her mouth to say something, but Raquel spoke instead. “Okay everyone, you know what to do. One minute and counting. Lina is in the wings waiting for everyone to take their places.”

Thad glanced behind him and immediately turned around when he saw Raquel marching toward him.

“Don’t even think about trying to get a peek. You can see Lina when she meets you at the altar.”

“Yes ma’am.” He turned around and then muttered, “That woman’s a tyrant.”

The music started and per Raquel’s cue, we began our trek up from the hotel to the pastor waiting for us on the shores of the beach.

A quarter of the way up the long pathway, Kai said in a low voice while smiling to the wedding guests who were waiting for us, “Jax?”


“I’m sorry.”

“For what?”