Page 28 of Intrigued By Love

“Thad rented the whole resort—the only people here are the staff and our friends and family. Stop stalling and get to it.”

I sighed dramatically. “Fine. But you owe me.”

“I promise to make it up to you.”

Fifteen minutes later, Lina, Kiana, and I were in our matching bright-red bikini tops and long skirts.

“One thing is definitely true about the Alexander sisters. You are hot as fuck!” Ani exclaimed as we came into view. “Wouldn’t you agree, Cora darling?”

“Absolutely. It makes sense why Kevin hated having his friends come over when they were kids. These women have curves for days.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Cora couldn’t say a mean thing about anyone.

“You’re really my favorite person on the island.” I blew Cora a kiss.

“Of course, I am. Plus, I threatened Kevin with bodily harm if he brought any of the guys here so you should double love me.”

“Absolutely.” I took Lina’s and Kiana’s hands in mine and we walked toward the bonfire.

We were greeted with cheers and shouts from all our female family and friends. Everyone’s enthusiasm had us laughing. These were my people. The ones who knew my roots, who knew all of my crazy and still loved me.

“Are you ready?” I asked as we got into position near the bonfire.

The girls nodded, and I gestured to the musicians to start.

The sound of thepahu, also known as the hula drum, echoed into the night, signaling the beginning of the dance. My mother moved forward and started theoli, a chant to accompany the hula we were about to perform. My sisters and I responded in unison to Mama’s melodic voice. She spoke of a love story from the past, one filled with love, struggle, and triumph.

We went back and forth for a few minutes, and then when my aunties’ voices joined Mama’s, I knew it was time for the hula to start.

I closed my eyes as the drums grew louder, letting the rhythm flow into my mind. I lifted my arms and cocked my hip to the side, resulting in a roaring round of claps and continued cheers.

Yeah, I still had it.

The beat flowed into me, and as if we’d never been apart and practiced every day, Lina, Kiana, and I lost ourselves in the music of my mother’s people.

Chapter Twelve


“If we get caught, I’m totally throwing you to the swarm of angry women who will beat you to death,” I said to Thad as we took the long way toward the beach where the women were having their bride night. “Best friend or not, I am not taking one for the team.”

“I’m the groom. They wouldn’t touch me.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that,” Kevin said. “I’m related to them by blood but I know my mother will pop me on the head with a mallet if she catches me crashing Lina’s bride night. Not to mention my pregnant wife.”

I couldn’t see sweet, even-tempered Cora mad, even with Kevin.

“Then why are you here with us?” Thad lifted a brow.

“Because he’s not going to miss the chance to see his woman dancing the hula in a barely-there outfit,” I answered for him.

“As if you don’t want to see my big sister in the very same outfit? Anyone around the two of you knows things aren’t over. If I didn’t want you two together, I’d punch you in the face for the way you watch her.”

“I’ve never hidden I wanted her back.”

“Then I guess you better figure out why she left you in the first place.”

I had the answer but I wasn’t going to share that information with them. I had to convince Kai she was always a priority, never second to anyone.