Page 17 of Intrigued By Love

Earlier in the morning, Raquel had received a list of expectations from Jennine Burton’s house manager, Raymond. Among them being accommodations for her dedicated staff who would accompany her, so they could provide for her comfort when the resort fell short. It hadn’t mattered that Thad had explicitly stated no one who wasn’t approved was allowed to stay at the resort.

I’d personally called Raymond to convey that it wasn’t possible to accommodate any staff or guests outside of those Thad had approved. It wasn’t Raymond’s fault his bosses were assholes, but I was not going to budge.

This resulted in an irate call from Jax’s father, Christopher. I’d ended up giving him the same answers as I’d given Raymond, and told him if he still had issues to contact Thad personally.

Dealing with the Burtons had solidified that last night with Jax was a mistake. We came from two different worlds, and I couldn’t see myself living in the one he’d come from, no matter how much I’d wanted to in the past.

“You mean Christopher and Jennine Burton,” Lina said. “They had a conference call with Thad. Even got his parents dialed in.”

“What did he tell them?” My stomach hurt to think Thad had caved and agreed to the demands of the Burtons.

“Give my man some credit. He informed them that due to security concerns, no one who wasn’t on the original list and was cleared with a background check could attend. He went as far as saying he understood if they changed their minds about attending.”

“I take it they didn’t bite,” Kiana said.

“Nope, but they aren’t coming with an entourage of twenty.” Lina threaded her fingers with mine. “See, Thad has your back. He’s like the older brother you never knew you needed.”

“I can’t argue with that. I do adore the man.”

“If you ever decide to separate, we’re keeping him,” Kiana added, and both Lina and I glared at her. Which caused her to burst out laughing. “You two were way too serious for a second. Almost reminded me of the sour look Jennine Burton had on her face that one time we all went to dinner in Vegas.”

I shivered. “That was a disaster of epic proportions. Even my boss couldn’t get her to chill out, and Henna has the ability to charm the grumpiest of guests.”

“How a woman like her could convince the world she deserved an Oscar is beyond me.” Lina sighed. “She puts a capital C in crazy.”

“Well, I’ve already prepared my staff on how to handle her. I actually have Raquel assigned to be her guest services concierge. The less she sees me, the better it’ll be for all of us.”

Both of my sisters nodded their agreement.

“Now, back to the subject of Crazy Town’s son. That’s what Ani calls her, and I kind of like it.” Kiana released me and folded her arms across her body. “Was it as good as you remembered it being?”

I groaned, knowing I shouldn’t have expected either of my sisters to let it go. “Kiana, you’re so nosy.”

“Just because I’m not of the dickly persuasion doesn’t mean I don’t want to hear about your sex life or the man with the monster cock who rocks your world.”

I should never have told my sister anything about my sex life or Jax’s package. My only excuse was I’d been plied with tequila and we were on a sisters’-only weekend.

“I swear, Kiana. I can’t wait until Ani gets here and keeps you in line.” Lina laughed, then her expression grew serious as she turned her attention to me.

I braced myself. “Okay, let me have it. Unless I answer your questions, neither of you are going to let it go.”

“I just have one and I’ll leave you alone. Couldn’t you just do something casual while he’s here and then go your separate ways?” Lina asked.

“I don’t do casual. You know this.”

“Yeah, but it’s Jax.” Kiana braced a shoulder against Lina’s. “Even if it isn’t casual, you could pretend it is. At least you’ll get a thorough vag servicing for the next three weeks.”

“That’s a great idea,” Jax said from the stairs.

My face heated and I had visions of strangling Kiana.

How the hell had we not noticed him coming down? How much had he heard? Well, I guessed I was about to find out.

Kiana broke the shocked silence. “Hey, Jax. We were just—”

“Could I have a moment alone with Kai?” Jax stared at me as he asked the question to my sisters.

“Sure. Come on, Lina. Let’s go make sure Mama is applying her sunscreen and Cora is hydrating.” Kiana grabbed Lina’s hand and dragged her up the stairs without letting her respond.