“I don’t just want sex. I want more.” My hand curled against the crisp hair on his chest, loving the feel of him under my fingertips.
“How much more?”
There was an intensity to his eyes that confirmed he wanted me, and the low hum that constantly pulsed inside me woke with a boom.
Fuck. Focus, Jacinta. Sex is not the answer.
I couldn’t get distracted. I had to get my words out before I lost my nerve. Although, naked was not how I planned to confess my feelings.
I guessed beggars couldn’t be choosers and began to speak. “Ever since I was little, all I ever dreamed about was a political career. The idea of being the first female president consumed me.”
“I know, Jaci,” Veer interjected, keeping the distance my arm provided. “Why do you think I ended it between us? I couldn’t stand between you and your dreams. You were born for this. You were raised to play the game and win.”
“What if I said I don’t want the dream or to win without you?” I tried to turn around so he couldn’t see my uncertainty. “None of it matters, if you’re not there with me.”
Veer stopped me by pressing his body to the front of mine and tilting my face up. His gaze penetrated mine.
“What to repeat that?”
I swallowed down that lump in my throat. “I…I don’t want to do this without you anymore. I know, I made you feel like you were second and I can’t make excuses for what I did. All I can do is ask you to forgive me.” My lips trembled and Veer’s thumb ran over them. “I’ll wait until you and Ash finish your terms. I’ll wait for the nomination. Hell, I’ll wait forever, if it means we are together. My ambition means nothing, if it means I’m half alive.”
“When did you come to this conclusion?” His voice was cool, almost emotionless, except his touch was so tender as he ran a hand down my side.
“I’ve thought about barely anything else for the last few weeks.”
“Our relationship could cost you more than you can imagine. Not only a future nomination but reelection to the Senate.”
I lifted my chin. “I’m willing to risk it.”
He remained quiet for what felt like hours, watching me, studying me. Then just as my shoulders sagged, and the tears I thought I’d spent reappeared, Veer said, “I want the dream with you too.”
I exhaled the breath I hadn’t realized I held.
“Really?” A tear slipped down my cheek as Veer cupped my face.
“I want you by my side, Jaci. I don’t want any of this without you either.” Before I could respond, he continued, “But know this, I won’t ever let you give up your dream. Even if it is twenty years from now. You will be up on that podium taking the highest office in the nation.”
I stared at him through water-misted lashes. My heart drummed in a deafening beat, and my lips trembled.
“A relationship with me could make you lose the election too. I represent a lot of what you and Ashur oppose. No matter what my personal stance may be, people will only see what the GOP has historically done.”
He moved forward, pressing me against the tile-covered wall of the giant shower. The crisp hair on his chest rubbed against my nipples. “It’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
“Have you talked to Ashur about this? It’s his ticket you’re running on.”
“I wouldn’t worry about him.”
I frowned. “Of course I’m going to worry about him. He’s leading in the polls by over thirty points. I won’t be the cause of a rift between you two.”
Veer cupped my breast and rolled my nipple with his thumb, making me lose my concentration.
“He’s the one who sent me the recording of the interview and your off-the-record conversation.”
“What?” I grabbed his hand, but that only made him squeeze harder.
“You heard me. Ash wants us together. He knows you’re the one who helped Tara with the incident overseas. He wants to pay it forward, and he couldn’t care less if it costs him the election. It’s not as if the two of us don’t have jobs if we lose.”