Page 69 of Senator

My life, on the other hand, was a routine in monotony and self-pity. At least, I had the No Bride Initiative to keep me busy. The first lady and Tara had become the face of the organization, and I assisted in whatever capacity I could between my duties to my constituents and committees.

Work had become the saving grace to keep me from thinking about how lonely my life had become. The only joy I’d had in the last few weeks was when I had the chance to visit Samina, Devin, and my gorgeous nephew in Seattle. Sam was almost ready to deliver a little girl and had decided to limit travel to DC for a while. Spending time with family lessened the loneliness.

I knew I had to start dating again. Sam and Kevin nagged me enough, but I wasn’t ready. Plus, seeing Kevin genuinely happy for the first time in years made me realize what a phenomenal mistake I’d made by putting my career and ambition before everything.

I closed my eyes for a brief second, picturing beautiful amber ones gazing at me.

Veer, I miss you so much. Maybe one day we’ll find our way back to each other.

I knew my thoughts were wishful thinking, but I needed something to hold on to.

“Senator, we’re ready.”

I stood, letting the stylist take the smock covering my clothes, and walked toward the soundstage, taking my seat next to Candice McDavers. She was an ultraconservative radio and television personality in Texas, who had no qualms about getting down to the nitty gritty. She had a reputation for ruffling feathers, especially with the good old boys of Southern politics, something I couldn’t help but love about her. She’d invited me to visit the next time I returned home to Austin and so I took her up on her offer. Today’s interview would be the perfect stage to discuss the highlights of the No Bride Initiative. With any luck, she wouldn’t question me about the election or the pictures.

Who was I kidding? Those would be the first things she asked about.

The stage signal turned from red to green, indicating we were on air.

“Senator Camden, thanks for joining us today. Before we discuss your work with No Bride, I wanted to start with your opinion on last night’s third presidential debate. The polls show Ashur Kumar as the clear winner against President Henry Edgar and Democrat Baron Johnson. What are your thoughts?”

And I was right. Candace knew a story and I’d given the media plenty to chew over.

“It is hard to have an unbiased opinion when two of the men are friends of mine.”

I could almost hear Samina chanting “Liar, Liar” in my ear.

“You’re referring to the president and Mr. Kumar?”

“Yes, both are strong men who made valid points. They both represent the conservative values our nation needs.” I paused, knowing what I said next would ruffle a few feathers. I was finished playing a game where pompous assholes threatened me into falling in line. “However, I must agree with the polls. The president missed opportunity after opportunity to show how he will refocus his agenda to one that would benefit most Americans, if not all. Instead of turning around the negative views of his presidency, he emphasized why the majority of Americans disapprove of his performance in the White House.”

A flash of surprise crossed Candice’s face. The public still thought the president favored me, and not throwing my complete support behind him wouldn’t go unnoticed by her or the audience.

Candice recovered quickly and then asked, “Could you give the audience an example?”

I nodded. “On the issue of veterans’ benefits. By personally attacking a decorated war veteran like Kumar on his service record, the president missed a chance to show the voters he understood the sacrifice the men and women of the military make every day. He was so focused on tearing Ashur Kumar’s reputation that he never answered the question about what he would do to improve the benefits crisis plaguing the military health care system. His stance made him look as if he couldn’t relate.”

“So, what you’re saying is that since the president has never experienced combat, he shouldn’t have an opinion?”

I wanted to glare, but I kept calm. “No, I’m saying that as the leader of our military, he needed to show his support for those who have put their lives on the line instead of criticizing them.”

A roar of applause broke out.

“Would your passionate response be due to the fact you are working with the future Mrs. Kumar on the No Bride Initiative?”

“My work with Tara Zain has the full support of the first lady. It is a bipartisan project that seeks to end child enslavement and the practice of child brides. My work with Tara has nothing to do with American politics and everything to do with saving lives.”

“I agree. That is, after all, why you are with us today. Let’s discuss the details of what has become the first lady’s pet project.”

I almost sighed in relief. The last thing I wanted to do was talk Ashur, because I knew, without a doubt, it would lead to questions about the pictures of Veer and me.

It took another fifteen minutes of discussion before the inevitable question arose. I knew better than to hope I’d escaped the inquiry into my relationship with Veer.

“I can’t end this without discussing the pictures of you and Governor Veer George.”

My hands shook slightly before I wrestled them under control. Candice watched me, analyzing every microscopic detail about me.

“With the recent end of your engagement, many of us are curious if your relationship with the governor was the cause and if you two are a couple or just friends?”