Page 66 of Senator

Relief washed over his handsome face. “Thank you.”

“But there are no guarantees anything that I have to say will make a difference. Kev is as stubborn as they come.”

“Believe me, I know.” A halfhearted smile touched his lips. “I want to apologize for what this will cost you if he agrees to take me back.”

“It’s not as much as you think.” My phone beeped, and I checked my watch. “Chris, I have to go. I’m due in the Senate chamber within the next ten minutes.”

“Thank you again.”

I nodded and moved toward the room I’d spend the next few hours in wishing for a drink.

Chapter Twenty

Kevinand I walked into the ballroom of Invictus DC a little after eight o’clock in the evening. Deep amber fabric draped the walls of the room, backlit with soft lights. Somehow the bold colors looked elegant and understated instead of gaudy.

Politicians and A-list celebrities clamored around, trying to get the right person’s attention, and the approved media were conducting interviews in discreet corners of the room. The bipartisan and public popularity of the No Bride Initiative had made the fundraiser event one of the most coveted invitations to receive. People dressed in their best formal wear, ranging from high-fashion to traditional.

I wore a one-shoulder sapphire gown designed by Shawna Martinez. It was edgy enough to fit with the fashion-conscious Hollywood crowd but conservative enough not to scandalize the stodgiest of politicians.

I glanced over at Kevin, who looked like he’d just stepped off the runway in his Lanvin shawl-lapel tuxedo. His blond hair was slicked back, giving it a darker hue, and he’d left a light grazing of stubble on his jaw, adding the same fashion edge I was aiming to achieve.

“Kevin, your hotels are better than anything I’ve ever seen.”

“This hotel is my baby. I have to make it the best of all my properties.” He grinned with pride.

I could understand his fondness for the place. It was the first project Kevin had invested in that had nothing to do with his family or their money.

“Too bad I have a townhouse in DC, otherwise I’d live in this hotel. But then again, I’d get spoiled by all the pampering.”

“That’s true, and you already are a handful without adding brat to the mix.”

“Hey—” I gave him a light shove, “—not nice.”

We walked farther into the room, and I came to an abrupt stop.

Veer stood next to Ashur and Tara, surrounded by people. He was laughing and oozing charm.

I released a deep breath and tried to steady my emotions. Seeing Veer like this, as a candidate for the vice-presidency, made my throat burn. He was a natural, and it was all because he didn’t try. My original fear that Veer’s non-political, outspoken ways would alienate him from the voters was proven wrong. In fact, Veer’s candid nature had made his popularity soar, even with the ultraconservatives of Texas. They saw him as a man who followed up his words with actions, especially since he’d implemented everything he’d promised during the gubernatorial election campaign.

“Are you okay, Jacinta?” Kevin came closer to me and placed a gentle hand on my waist as he turned his gaze in the direction I was looking.

I nodded. “They were meant for this.”

Kevin kissed the side of my head. “Yes, they were. No matter what Ashur says, he’s not an asshole. Both Ashur and Veer know how to make everyone around them comfortable. They know who they are and don’t pretend to be someone else. That’s what’s made them so popular.”

“Unlike us, who have to play certain roles.” I was still so angry at myself for aligning with Edgar.

At least I’d learned my lesson and now picked my alliances more carefully.

“They’re going to win. I know it.” I leaned into Kevin, needing to feel his support.

“It’s still too early to know who the leader is for sure, but I agree with you.” Kevin ushered me toward a group of GOP constituents.

As I moved into the crowd, my gaze caught Veer’s. My heart roared in my ears, and painful sadness engulfed my stomach.

Veer stared at me in that deep, penetrating way that made me feel like he could see to the core of my soul.

The weeks we’d been apart felt like years, and all I wanted was to walk up to him and hug him, to make sure he was okay. But I didn’t have the right. I never had, especially not in public.