“He’s dangerous, Jaci.” His tone grew to the one that said he would step in to slay my dragons. It made me love him even more. “He will play even dirtier than he has. Right now, he is taking a hands-off approach. If he decided to get personally involved, it could be bad for you.”
“I’m a big girl. I’ve dealt with this kind of thing before.”
“This is different, and you know it. He is the damn president, and he will use his platform to destroy you. Decker’s tactics will be child’s play compared to Edgar’s.”
“I signed up for this when I decided to enter politics.”
“Dammit, Jaci. I will not let you do anything that will keep you from accomplishing your dreams.”
At that moment, Tyler and Samina rushed into my office and came to an abrupt stop. Tyler had a scowl on his face, and Samina crossed her arms while tapping her foot. I lifted my finger to my lips and gestured to the chairs on the other side of my desk.
My back-up team had just arrived. Sam and Ty would understand the path we’d have to take. I hated conducting business like this, but it was necessary.
“If you haven’t noticed, I’m linked to you. In my party’s eyes, I’ve already crossed that line.”
They tolerated my relationship with Sam because of our family’s history, but any romantic entanglement would have them questioning my agenda.
“Now it’s time to give them a taste of their own medicine,” I continued, causing Sam to lift her brow and a grin to form on her lips.
“For Christ’s sake, Jacinta, will you listen to me? You took too many risks as it is when you helped Tara.”
“We aren’t together anymore, Veer. You have no say in how I handle things.”
“As if I ever did,” he countered with a tinge of irritation.
I couldn’t go down that road. I had enough to deal with than to rehash something that wouldn’t make any difference. We’d both made our choices. Although I wasn’t the one who wanted to end us. It was him. No, that wasn’t fair. I knew what had to happen. Veer only did it before I was ready.
My face must have dropped because Sam set a hand on my arm and squeezed.
“I’ll do what is necessary, nothing more. We haven’t done anything to be ashamed of. The world will see it soon enough. Tell Ashur I’m sorry. Goodbye, Veer.”
I hung up before we continued to go around in circles.
I closed my eyes and waited a few seconds, trying to rein in my emotions. What red-blooded woman didn’t want the man she loved to fight for her or try to protect her? The problem was how much I wanted to turn to Veer when I knew I couldn’t.
Once I had all the turmoil locked down, I looked up at Tyler and Samina.
“Before either of you jump to follow through on any action running in your heads, I have a plan. One that will put not only Decker in his place but the president as well.”
Tyler folded his arms and leaned back in his chair. “I bet I know what it is and she doesn’t.” He pointed at Samina. “It’s a twin thing.”
“I bet I do.” Sam stuck her tongue out at Tyler. “Your twin routine has nothing on the bond between best friends.”
“Yeah, and why’s that?”
“Because there is a rule. Sisters before misters.” She nodded at me, and I couldn’t help but smile and shake my head.
“I’m her brother. Seriously, Sam, you always get your phrases wrong.”
“It’s only wrong because you’re a boy and wouldn’t understand.”
“What?” she scowled at him.
“I said, I’m a man.”
“Says who?”