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He lifted his head, revealing his beautiful hazel gaze filled with resounding sadness.

He stepped back, letting me slide to the ground and pulling his softening cock free of my body. He tucked himself into his pants and continued to gaze at me.

The wetness of his cum slid down between my thighs, making the finality of our relationship painfully clear.

“I’m so sorry, Veer.”

He took tissues from a box near him, crouched down, and wiped the remnants of our pleasure from my body.

Once he finished, he tugged my gown into place, rested his head on my stomach, and said, “This can never happen again. We won’t ever be alone again.”

“I know.” I ran my fingers through his hair.

“I’ll marry someone else.”

I swallowed the jagged lump in my throat.

“I know.”

He glanced up at me and then stood. “I’ll always remain faithful to her, Jaci, no matter how I feel for you.”

“I know. It’s who you are.”

He cupped my face and kissed my parched lips.

“Goodbye, Veer.” I pulled out of his hold and walked to the door.

My hand shook as it covered the knob. I wanted so much to say fuck the consequences, to say I’d rather have Veer than my dreams.

How was I going to live without him?

I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t leave the only man I’d ever loved.

I began to turn, but Veer spoke, “No, Jaci. Don’t say it. If you do, I’ll never let you go. It wasn’t fair, what I said. You have to do this. If not for you, then do it for me. I don’t ever want you to have any regrets.”

“Veer,” I hiccupped, still holding the doorknob as tears streamed down my face. He was right. I would wonder what life could have been if I never tried for the White House.

“Go, baby.”

I nodded, and before I lost my nerve to keep from making a commitment that had the potential to destroy us, I stepped into the hallway. I wiped my wet eyes with the back of my hands and walked toward the elevators, closing the most precious chapter of my life.

Chapter Eighteen

I walkedinto my Capitol Hill office to a frenzy of activity. My staffers, Kimberly, Frank, and Terry, were running around and giving each other directions, and Tracy had a frazzled expression on her face as she held two phones on her shoulders.

“What happened in the time I was out?” I asked Kimberly, glancing at my watch. “I’ve only been gone for an hour and a half.”

Before she could answer, the office phone rang.

“Answer it then tell me.”

She picked up the receiver and then gestured to Frank for a pen.

Whatever was going on, I had a feeling I would be spending the night at the office.

Since the eventful night in New York City three weeks ago, the election campaign had jumped into full swing as did the president’s efforts to pass various bills, and then a few days ago, Kevin and I had announced our engagement. This meant I had little or no time to myself.

With the exception of random dinners with Kevin, most of my days were spent either in meetings surrounded by people jockeying to secure my vote or helping Mrs. Edgar and Tara with the No Bride Initiative, which had garnered such backing across party lines that the president had no choice except to support the efforts.