Page 43 of Senator

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Three hours later,I searched the hallways of the museum to find Kevin. He’d kept it together for about twenty minutes but left the room when the emcee announced the news of Chris and Kathy’s engagement. I wanted to go after him, but I had to keep calm and pretend all was great in my world. Then, when I thought I could escape to search for Kevin, I was cornered by donors and other politicians wanting my opinion on issues they favored. By the time I made it to the back of the room, Oscar had sent a text saying it was imperative to get Kevin out of the building. He must have seen Kevin drunk somewhere in the museum.

Thankfully, no one noticed I’d spent most of the evening alone. Well, no one except Veer, who’d lifted a brow with an unsaid question about Kevin when our eyes had caught for a moment. I’d ignored him, not wanting to stir up more emotions than I already felt. That brief second of communication showed me how connected we were, and my heart ached.

I couldn’t let myself go down that particular rabbit hole or I’d end up in the same state as Kevin.

I glanced into a section with rows of antique documents and found it empty.

God, I hoped he wasn’t in some corner drunk or passed out. There was no way I’d be able to sneak him through the building without causing a scene. Everyone would recognize him on the spot.

As I turned a corner, I came to an abrupt halt. Ashur and Tara held a very drunk Kevin up by the arms. His clothes were a rumpled mess, and his head was flopping back and forth.

“Oh fuck.” I ran in their direction.

The moment Ashur saw me, he said, “We need to get you two out of here.”

“Yes, but how?” I looked around, hoping no one would notice a presidential candidate holding his drunk friend.

Tara adjusted Kevin’s weight on her shoulders. “God, what does he eat?”

“Let me.” I took her place. “You’re a good five inches shorter than me. It’ll be easier for me.”

She nodded. “I’ve called our security. They have a car waiting to take you home.”

“Want to tell me what triggered this?” Ashur asked. “Since we came back from our last tour, Kevin rarely, if ever, gets drunk.”

“It’s not my place to say.” I kissed Kevin’s cheek. “Oh Kev, why did you ditch me? We could have left and gotten drunk at my house.”

Ashur studied me. “You do care for him.”

I frowned. “What the fuck does that mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean.”

Tara stepped forward. “What Ashur is failing to say is that he is glad you and Kevin care so deeply for each other. And he’s happy Kevin has you to lean on. Isn’t that right, Ashur?”


“Ashur, I swear you could drive a woman to drink. How the hell am I going to help you win this damn election if you can’t lie worth shit? You’re a politician, for Christ’s sake.”

I sighed and shifted, trying to adjust Kevin’s deadweight.

“Ashur, I love Veer, but we don’t have a future. You have no idea how much I wish things were different.” I pushed Kevin’s hair from his brow. “What Kevin and I have is special. He is my friend, and I love him, but it’s different. You should know as well as I do that one can marry someone they love but aren’t in love with.”

“Touché,” Ashur said as he watched Tara.

Ashur could make Tara believe it was a business deal all he wanted. I knew the truth. I’d heard him say it. He wanted her and had found a way to get her. Hopefully, they wouldn’t kill each other in the process.

A group of security personnel arrived, including Oscar and his team. They took an unconscious Kevin from us and carried him through a back hallway.

“Where do you want them to take you?” Tara asked as she typed on her phone.

“My townhouse. It has a private entrance and attached garage. No one can see Kevin like this.” I took a step, then turned back and hugged Ashur. “Thank you.”

“We’re still family, Jaci. You’ve been my sister since the moment you and Sam got into your first scheme together.” His voice grew gruff as he held me. “At the end of all of this, you can’t forget that none of this means anything without the people you love.”

“You do your damnedest to make the world think you’re an asshole, but deep down you’re all mush.”