Page 34 of Senator

When I couldn’t take another release, he came, in a deep, powerful shudder, saying, “You will forever be mine.”

After a few minutes, Veer turned us so I was draped across him but kept his cock pulsing inside me.

I watched the fall and rise of his chest and felt an ache inside mine. I didn’t want us to end. If only there were other options that would allow us to have what we both wanted. I held in the tears that burned the back of my eyes and released a breath, lifting my head to look at him.

He cupped my face and opened his mouth to speak, but I covered it.

“Tonight, there is nothing but us. No politics, no careers, no plans for the future.”

The clench of his jaw said he wanted to argue, but then he conceded, nodding and then rolling me onto my back and thrusting deep once again.

Chapter Ten

Around seven in the morning,I leaned against my kitchen island, sipping a cup of robust coffee. My heart felt ripped to shreds.

After making love to me one last time, Veer had slipped from the bed, kissed my forehead, and whispered, “I’ll love you until the day I die. Be happy, Jaci. I’ll always be out there cheering for you.”

I wanted to grab him and pull him back. To tell him I didn’t want us to end. To tell him I didn’t want to live a life without him. But I hadn’t. I’d let silent tears fall as he dressed and walked out of my life.

I knew I’d see him at political events or family gatherings with Sam, but it would never be the same. I wouldn’t have the right to ever touch him or kiss him the way I wanted to.

What was going to kill me was the day I’d meet the woman who could give him everything he’d wanted from me: a wife, children, and family.

My throat burned with tears, and I inhaled deep to hold them back.

“Where’s Veer?”

I turned to look at Samina as she sleepily walked into the kitchen and headed for the French press.

“Why would I know?”

She gave me an annoyed glare and poured herself a large mug of the piping-hot brew.

“You two were going at it all night. I assumed you would know where the man who screwed your brains out was.”

My cheeks heated.

“I guess we were pretty loud?”

“It wasn’t that bad. Nothing more than what you heard when Devin would come to visit us when we were in school.”

“Oh God.” I ran my hand down my face. “That means half the house heard us. Why do you think I conveniently found a way to make a trip home whenever Big Brother planned to come into town?”

“Whatever. We weren’t that bad. Besides, I can say without a doubt, the governor of Texas has more stamina than Dev. And I didn’t think anyone could outdo him.”

I bit my lip, trying to hide my embarrassment. “You won’t have to worry about noises from my room anymore. Those days are over.”

I set my cup on the counter and stared out the window.

“You broke up with him?” Sam came to stand next to me.

I shook my head. “It was the other way around.”

“Oh Jaci.” Sam rested her head against the side of my shoulder. “He loves you. It’s written all over his face every time he glances your way.”

“He wanted marriage and babies. I wanted it too, but it would have cost me everything.”

“Like I said the other day, I’m not judging you. I know better than most that politics is twice as brutal when it comes to women.”