Page 31 of Senator

I hoped one day they’d be able to handle encounters without pain lacing every interaction.

Would it be like that with Veer and me? Without a doubt, I knew no one would ever make me feel the way he did. He held my heart, and I held his. I only hoped we wouldn’t move into anger. What I felt for Veer couldn’t be defined—it was love, passion, and friendship all rolled together.

Footsteps echoed against the wooden planks of the pier, making me glance to my side. Veer walked up, wearing a pair of shorts and a loose linen shirt. His inky black hair was wet, fresh from a shower, and there was an intensity in the way he watched me as he came to stand behind me.


“Hi,” I responded.

“Can I join you?”

We stared at each other for a moment before I nodded.

He sat down behind me with his legs draped along either side of mine. His body heat seeped into my back as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him. For a split second, I wanted to shove him back and yell at him for ignoring me most of the evening, but another part of me understood why he had done it.

My lips trembled as my heart contracted in pain, knowing what was about to happen.

I released a deep breath and sank into his hold, trying to keep my emotions in check but failing miserably.

“It’s time,” he said in a gruff whisper filled with sadness.

“Please don’t say it. I’m not ready.”

“Why not? It doesn’t change how things have to be. I heard what the first lady’s assistant said to you. You have to announce your engagement soon to keep your plan in motion. I won’t be the thing keeping you from your goal.”

I turned, climbing onto his lap and straddling his firm thighs. I cupped his face and ran my thumb over his lips.


Something flashed in his eyes, and then he closed them.


I leaned my forehead against his. “Veer, just one more night.”

He sighed and then nodded.

I slid my arms around his neck and leaned forward, sealing my lips against his. We kissed, trying to memorize every aspect of each other’s mouths. Our tongues slid against each other’s in a sensual dance, making my cleft dampen. He was an intoxicating blend of scotch and his own earthy flavor. I couldn’t get enough of him.

A low moan escaped my lips as the familiar bulge of his cock pressed against my denim-covered crotch. I shifted my hips, trying to ease the arousal bubbling inside my core. One of his hands went to my hair, fisting it as he deepened our kiss, and the other went to my hip, grinding me harder along his erection.

“Veer,” I murmured, not wanting to break the play of our mouths.

My nipples pebbled to stiff peaks against the lining of my bra, creating additional torture to the sensitive buds.

I shifted, rubbing my swollen pussy against his hard length, growing wetter and hotter. We were all but fucking each other, unable to stop the need consuming us. We were desperate, filled with hunger, passion, and love.

I wanted to memorize this night, to have it to remember that we were once more than the strangers we’d have to become, to remember what it was like to be deep-down, truly loved.

A tear slipped down my face, and Veer pulled back, breathing heavily.

“Baby, no. Think of nothing but now. There is no past or future, only the present.”

At that moment a boat passed by, and hoots and laughter echoed from it, breaking the moment. I had no fear of being discovered since it was dark, but honestly, I didn’t care. The love of my life was breaking up with me, and I only had this one night.

“Let’s go inside. I don’t want to share this with anyone,” Veer said as he lifted me up. I adjusted my shirt and shorts, and Veer pulled out his tucked shirt to cover his erection.

We made our way back to the house, hand in hand, without saying a word. Our arousal hung heavily between us as we took the steps to my room.