Page 28 of Senator

My stomach hurt, knowing my parents would see all the coverage. At least I knew they’d support me without question.

I glanced at Tara. Her face was pale, and she looked as if she’d burst into tears.

Reaching over, I covered her hand with mine. “You did nothing wrong.”

“I know, but I hate others using me for political gain.”

“That’s why we’re going to fight this together.” Sam laid her hand over ours. “This is how men like to play politics. Let’s show them how women do it.”

The glint in Sam’s eyes told me she was on board with my plan. She knew as well as I did that the first couple couldn’t stand each other and Mrs. Edgar was more than ready to stick it to her husband, even if she gave the public image of docile, subservient wife.

At that moment, the car paused in front of the house and Oscar opened our door. Five agitated men greeted us, scowls marring each of their faces as they stood on the front porch.

“Now if things weren’t going to hell, I’d say that is some delicious eye candy to come home to,” Tara joked as she masked the pain that she’d been revealing only moments earlier.

“I’d say true, but I’m a married woman, and my eyes are only for the sexy federal judge glaring at me.” Sam stepped out of the car and went toward Devin, who wrapped an arm around her.

Tara and I exited the limo after Sam.

To my surprise, Ashur came up to Tara and offered her a hand. “Let me help you, Tara.”

She glanced at Veer, who inclined his head. After a few seconds, she nodded but didn’t take the offered hand and walked past Ashur while saying, “Let’s go inside, Ash. We have a lot to discuss. And I could use a stiff drink.”

“Was I imagining that or was Mr. Moody being nice?” Kevin came up to me and draped an arm around my shoulder. “Well, nice for Ashur.”

Veer remained on the porch with Tyler, glaring at us. I knew it was because of all the reporters with long-range camera lenses. However, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed he hadn’t come up to us.

“Don’t frown. Remember the world is watching and you have to be happy to see me. Veer can cuddle you later.”

“I don’t think cuddling is on Veer’s mind when he looks at my sister.”

I heard the sound of a smack and glanced at the porch. Tyler rubbed the back of his head and scowled at Veer.

“What the fuck, man? Tell me you don’t want to be the one standing next to her right now.”

“Tyler, I’m going inside before I kill you in front of an audience.” Veer turned and walked into the house.

“I swear he’s been hanging out with our mom too much.” Tyler continued to rub his scalp.

As Kevin and I climbed the stairs, Tyler’s face grew serious. “I need you to do me a favor.”

“That all depends on what you need me to do.”

“Keep the military guys from orchestrating an attack on Decker while I make a few calls. I have a plan that will put that jackass Decker Senior in his place.”

Kevin and I glanced at each other. Tyler was no longer the jokester. He’d put on his politician hat, which meant he was all business and ready to take action. I’d better rein him in before he got too far ahead of himself.

“Tyler, has Trisha sent you anything yet?”

“No, honestly I haven’t paid attention. I’m more worried about helping you and the girls than talking to anyone outside of the estate.” He clenched his jaw. “I am sick of that bastard fucking with my family.”

“I think you need to breathe for a second. You’re scaring me.”

Tyler rarely, if ever, allowed his emotions to rule his actions, but when he got riled, he was hard to keep under control.

“You shouldn’t be, but Grey Decker should be very scared.” Tyler opened the door, letting Kevin and me enter the house.

I was positive that whatever Tyler was orchestrating would ruffle more than Decker’s feathers. I’d better get the details before he implemented something that would cause me more pain than necessary.