Page 27 of Senator

Ever since what happened to me after Grey Decker Junior attacked me, I’d wanted to find a way to help those who were abused by the powerful. I’d thought running against these assholes was the way, but lately I was seeing the merits of using Tara’s tactic of taking action and dealing with the consequences later. She had accomplished more in the past few years than I could have ever imagined.

“Jaci, the very man who ripped me a new one to the media is a member of your party. I never thought you’d go against the president.” Tara furrowed her brow and gave me a look of disbelief.

“There are a lot of things I don’t agree with him on.” Among them the fact that he treated women as if their sole duty was to cater to men. “He may be the main party representative, but that doesn’t mean he leads me around by the nose.”

“Does he know this?” Sam asked while sipping her water. “He acts as if you’re the daughter he’s grooming to take his place.”

“It’s a game, Sam. You of all people should know how this works. Whatever I feel comes second to the end goal: me in the White House.” I leaned back against the leather seat and kicked off my heels. “He, in all honesty, can’t stand me. He’s a childhood friend of Grey Decker and thinks I orchestrated the fall of both Decker Senior’s and Junior’s careers.”

“Well, it takes one dipshit to defend another.” Sam frowned. “To unseat men like them was the reason we went into politics, and now you’re catering to one of them.”

“That’s not fair, and you know it. I don’t have the freedom you do to oppose Edgar outright. My job is to play the chess game and let him think I’m a pawn. And then unseat him and let him realize I was the queen the whole time.”

“Sorry, Jaci, but I’m not sure I can handle another four years of Edgar’s shit.”

I wanted to growl. If Edgar lost the election, then I’d have to go up against an incumbent when my time came, and that was always twice as hard to win, even more so if my challenger was a popular president.

“Don’t scowl at me.” Sam folded her arms across her chest. “I’m only stating what I feel. I don’t have to be PC when it’s just us.”

Before I could respond, Tara spoke. “So, in other words, you and Edgar are using each other for political gain. He needs to improve his image with the nation and the more moderate Republicans after his antics this year, and having you as a member of his inner circle gives him an image of being more progressive. For you, it is all about getting him to position you as his successor since you need the support of the old-school party voters.”

I sighed and set my water bottle in the holder. “Yep, that about sums it up.”

“This is why I’d rather negotiate with terror groups. At least I know going in that they’re the scum of the earth and I don’t have to pretend to like them when we speak.”

“Tara, some of the stuff you do scares the shit out of me.” I studied the exhaustion still lingering on her face. “Please, for the sanity of everyone that loves you, no more secret meetings with known terrorists. Those men could have killed you. I’m afraid to ask what you did to get them to listen to a word you had to say.”

“Things aren’t cut and dry. Besides, I had help.” Her eyes shifted to the window, and she stared out at the cars zooming past us. “I was never in the type of danger the president made it out to be. And I’d be damned if I was going to let another little girl marry some old man because of tradition.”

“I’m sorry, Tara. I shouldn’t have brought it up. I promised a relaxing weekend, and I’m failing miserably.”

“It’s okay.” She turned back to me. “Today has been just what I needed.”

Tara’s phone chimed as did Sam’s and mine.

“Okay, what’s going on?” Sam pulled her mobile out of her purse.

I read through the messages my assistant Trisha was sending me and my heart sank, while a headache flared to life.

Images of Tara, Sam, and me were all over the Internet, and Decker had decided it was the perfect opportunity to hold a press conference discussing my questionable interaction with a liberal senator and an international activist with “possible” ties to terrorist organizations. He’d labeled me morally corrupt, and then there were posts about the president using his social media platform to support an investigation into our “secret” meeting. The fucking president was siding with Decker.

“Shit, fuck, shit.” Sam ran a hand down her face. “Since when are lunch and shopping considered a secret meeting? I love you, Jaci, but this president has got to go.”

“My sentiments exactly.” Tara dropped her phone in her lap and pressed her fingers to her temples. “I’m so sorry I brought this on you.”

“The hell you did. Tara, you may not believe it, but there are some of us who are loyal to you and will do what’s necessary to make things right.” I dialed Trisha’s number. The second she answered, I said, “Call our contact with Mrs. Edgar. Tell her it’s time to put the plan we discussed last week into action.”

* * *

By the timewe reached home an hour later, the media surrounded the front gates of my estate, and my weekend respite from politics was shot, with no hope of recovery.

On the hour ride home, I’d filled Sam and Tara in on my idea to get the first lady on board as an advocate for Tara’s cause. I told the girls Mrs. Edgar needed a project to show she was a separate person from her husband and his unpopularity, and by supporting the No Bride Initiative, she’d position herself as an advocate for women and Tara would no longer be labeled as someone who associated with terrorists but someone who fought against them.

I hadn’t convinced either of them that my plan would work, but they’d agreed to let me work the angle.

“Oh God, they’re everywhere,” Tara exclaimed as we reached the entrance of my estate.

Media trucks and reporters lined the front gates, as did a crowd of people. Some with signs that said everything from “Tara the Hero” to “Camden associates with Terrorists.”