Page 14 of Senator

“Sometimes I wish I’d been strong like you and come out about what the Deckers did to me.”

“What happened to me and what you experienced are two different things. Decker Junior assaulted you and tried to make it look like you wanted it. Plus, there were other factors, so don’t belittle what you went through.”

“I know.” I sighed.

Both my father and Tyler had been up for election, and any scandal would have ruined their chances to win. No matter how the world viewed things, any hint of impropriety would have destroyed their campaigns and so I kept quiet. Thankfully, my beautiful best friend had used her family’s connections to get any inkling of the incident erased so that no one could hurt me again.

“I wished I’d thought of doing more than just wiping their servers.”

“I’m glad all you did was use your tech peeps to break into the Decker estate. Neither of us would look good in yellow stripes.”

“Whatever, you never let me have any fun.”

“Sam,” I said in a low voice, “thank you for always being there for me.”

She leaned her head against my shoulder. “We’re sisters from different misters and all that.” She sniffed. “Dammit, you’re making me all sappy. Go fix another drink or something.” She waved her hand.

A beep sounded, and my head of security, CJ, spoke over the intercom.

“Ms. Camden, Ms. Zain’s car left the airport thirty minutes ago, and she will arrive in the next fifteen minutes.”

“Thanks for the update,” I called out and then stood.

“Come on. Since you ordered me to do it, you can help me. Let’s get some refreshments ready. I know Tara will need a pick-me-up after her sixteen-hour flight.”

“Can you believe it, the three of us under the same roof again. Lord help the guys.” Sam dabbed at her eyes and laughed.

All of a sudden, an uneasy look crossed Sam’s face, and she got up from her spot and opened the drink refrigerator, pulling out sparkling water and pouring herself a glass of the fizzy liquid.

I moved to the bar storage and began pulling out bottles of my favorite liquor.

“Want me to add a splash of vodka and pomegranate liquor into that?” Vodka-pomegranate was Sam’s go-to drink.

She shook her head. “Nope. I’m good.”

I watched her rub her stomach as if to calm it.

Hmmm, Sam never turned down her favorite drink, and her emotions were all over the place. Hadn’t she been about to fall into a ball of tears a second ago? Something was up. Then it came to me. The little witch was keeping secrets.



“How far along are you?”

Surprise crossed her face and then a smile appeared. “Eleven weeks.”

“Eleven weeks? Why am I only learning this now?”

“Because it was a secret. Promise not to say anything to anyone. Dev wants to tell the family next month when everyone comes up for Dru’s first birthday.”

I made the motion of an X over my heart and stuck out my little finger, which I clasped with hers. “I cross my heart and pinky promise.”

At that moment, Devin walked in. “Should I be worried? It’s never good when you two swear each other to secrecy.”

“You’ll have to wait and see.” Sam lifted a brow.

Sam’s face lit up as Devin approached her, turning her chair toward him.