Chapter One
“Jacinta,I know he’s your friend, but I still can’t believe the citizens of Texas voted in a liberal as governor.”
I smiled and held in a sarcastic retort as I glanced at my date for the Governor’s Ball, Kevin Copula Stanton III. Kevin, of all people, should have known better than to insult the very man whose expensive alcohol and food he was enjoying in large quantities.
“He’s a good guy. Just because he doesn’t agree with you doesn’t make him a liberal.”
“Labeling himself as an Independent won’t change what he is. His agenda speaks for itself.” Kevin motioned to a passing waiter for a drink and continued. “His success is because of his war-hero POW status.”
Visions of pulling every one of Kevin’s immaculately groomed white-blond hairs out of his head popped into my mind.
“Be nice, Kevin,” I warned. “I can’t believe you’d talk shit about one of your closest friends.”
His bright blue eyes twinkled with amusement, and I realized he’d suckered me with his words.
“I deserved that,” I admitted.
“Well, I had to do something to get you to focus on me. Remember, we’re pretending that we’re a couple. Don’t forget. There are eyes and ears everywhere.”
“Sorry. I wish…” I trailed off.
“So do I, Jacinta. So do I. We’d make an unstoppable team.” He fingered one of the curls sitting on my shoulder and then said with a smirk, “I think I’d make an exceptional first husband one day.”
I studied Kevin, his good looks and athletic physique added in with his charm and charisma. He was the poster boy for conservative ideals and the perfect match for anyone with political aspirations. If only there were something more than friendship between us. Together, we were the image of Ken and Barbie in a modern Republican package.
The number of times the RNC chairman had told me having Kevin by my side would guarantee the party’s nomination once I reached the age of qualification… What he didn’t realize was that I was destined for the spot whether Kevin was with me or not. I was the face of the new Republican movement. A movement that leaned more centrist, appealing to a younger demographic, one that would keep the party alive and away from the verge of extinction as our current president had driven it.
I set my hand on Kevin’s arm. “Let’s make a deal.”
“I’m all ears.”
“If I haven’t found Mr. Right in the next few months, I’ll let you make an honest woman of me.”
He kissed my forehead. “Do you promise?”
“I promise,” I responded, kissed his cheek, and then said in a whisper, “but what happens if you decide the guy you’re seeing is Mr. Right?”
A sadness passed through his eyes and disappeared just as fast when a photographer approached us for a photo.
“Smile pretty.” He slipped his arm around my waist, and I leaned into him, posing for a few shots.
“Come on. We need to move toward your brothers. This way it’ll look as if we’re still mingling with conservatives. And be sure not to make any sudden movements, or the predators will smell fresh blood.”
I laughed aloud—I couldn’t help myself—and I knew it would draw attention, giving the perfect addition to the cover Kevin and I were trying to portray to the public. “You’re too much. Come on.”
Just when we were a few feet away from my twin brother, Tyler, a man with slicked-back black hair and gleaming white teeth stepped into our path.
I almost groaned but kept it inside.
Albert Walton. He was a staunch supporter of my former opponent in the Texas Senate race, and his family was known to make considerable contributions to the party. No matter my personal feelings toward the man, I had to play nice.
“Jacinta.” Albert kissed my cheek and then he turned. “Kevin.” Albert shook Kevin’s hand. “How are you two enjoying this extravagance?”
Not two seconds and there was an underhanded jab. What could I expect? I’d helped elect an enemy, and no one, especially not someone who voted only along strict party lines, was going to let me forget it.
When Kevin had made his comment, I’d known it was a joke. He and our new governor, Veer George, were old Air Force friends who enjoyed ribbing each other. Albert, on the other hand, couldn’t get over the fact Veer had won the election by a three-to-one margin.