“The Gods are pleased that the false contestant has been taken,” the oracle called, as though bringing attention back to them. Their voice was sharp, not containing the undulating wails that they had hidden behind before. Was that desperation I heard? “The final two contestants must fight.”
A ripple of whispers ran through the crowd. My heart seized, and my head jerked around toward Luken. He wasn’t going to let this happen, right? We knew that the Gods were trying to overthrow him. This was just another thing. They sent Greyson after me. They had used him to overthrow Luken…
But who would believe it? Who would rise up against the Gods? If Luken stood there and declared he wasn’t going to follow the Gods anymore because his brother claimed they’d sent him to overthrow the king…
Well. Luken would be labeled a heretic at best. At worst, Greyson would be claimed as a martyr, and a rebellion would rise in his name.
“My brother tainted the Trials,” Luken said through gritted teeth. “It’s an insult to the Gods to continue them. We must hold new Trials to cleanse the ritual.”
My eyes widened. More Trials? After all the death and bloodshed already? My mind flashed to Kael and Ysara. What were their deaths for if the Blood Trials were just going to be held again?
“The Gods see no filth in these two,” the oracle said in that high-pitched wail once more. “They are satisfied with the blood that has been shed thus far. But the Trials must be completed. The sacrifice must be made.”
I shook Thessa’s hand off me and stepped away. “The Gods see all.”
“They do,” the oracle agreed.
“Which means they saw that Greyson—or whoever he is—was a part of it from the start. He may have gained access through deception, but the Gods know all, and they decided to allow it,” I quickly said, my hands tightening on the sword.
The oracle hesitated while Luken narrowed his eyes at me. Finally, the oracle said, “Yes.”
“Which also means that the Gods know that the king has touched me. He has ignited the fires in my blood. And I’ve proven my resistance. I’ve already completed the Trial of restraint, by telling him no and walking away when everything in my body screamed at me to give in.” I didn’t look at Luken, though my cheeks warmed at my admission.
“They do, and you have,” the oracle said, sounding reluctant.
I took a deep breath.Thessa or Darcie. No more time. I have to choose. “Then all I have to do is drive my sword through Thessa’s heart, and I’ll have won the Blood Trials?”
Something passed over Luken’s face, but I ignored it.
The oracle straightened. “Yes.”
I turned. Thessa’s brown eyes were huge as she stared at me, as though she didn’t quite believe what was happening. I looked into her eyes so she could see I was genuine when I whispered, “I’m sorry.”
Then I drove my sword straight through her heart.
Chapter 20
Thessa’s lips parted, and a dribble of blood trickled down her chin. Her eyes were wide as she stared down at the sword piercing through her body. I yanked it out, gasping at the sick, squelching sound it made.Am I ready now, Emily?My former mentor would be watching. What would she think about this? Would she be proud of me?
It made me sick to think of it.
Thessa’s hands moved to the wound in her chest, trying to stem the bleeding. Her dark eyes moved to my face, pain, and betrayal written in them. For half a heartbeat, it seemed as though it was only her and me in this arena.
Thessa slowly sank, as though she knew she was going to fall and was trying to get it out of the way. Her eyes remained locked on mine as she went to her knees. The color rapidly drained from her face as she crumpled backward, dropping to the ground. A loud, harsh ringing buzzed in my ears.
At first, I thought it was the shock of my own actions, but after a moment, I realized it was the winner’s anthem being blared throughout the colosseum. All around me, vampires were on their feet and cheering. Others looked disappointed, clapping idly. A few even tore up betting tabs with frustrated expressions.
I dropped to my knees next to Thessa, my heart in my throat. I pressed my hands over hers, firmly pressing to stop the gush of blood. Her eyelids flickered, and her pulse beat in her throat. I needed to speak, but my mouth didn’t work.
Everything seemed to be moving slowly around me. Even Luken walking toward us. His footsteps sounded harsh and loud, even louder than the buzzing of the stadium all around us.
“And we have the betrayer,” the stadium announcer yelled into the microphone. “This year’s winner of the Blood Trials, Elara Tideborne!”
I pulled Thessa into my arms. She was losing blood too rapidly. She wasn’t going to last long. My breathing became ragged as I tucked her head under my chin. I wanted to say I was sorry, but my voice still wouldn’t work. Luken came to a stop next to me, and I looked up at him. His dark eyes were expressionless as he held his hand out to me.
“You’ve won,” he said. “It’s time.”
Snarling, I knocked his hand away. “I want my one wish!”