Page 37 of Off the Record





Trying not to overthink his choice of locations, I walk past Simone’s desk, doing my best to give her a reassuring smile. The bank of elevators is empty, so I have the place to myself. There is no button that says roof on it, so I hit the highest number and lean back, letting out a slow breath as I rise to the top of Prescott Media Group’s building.

The doors slide open to a floor of offices, but I walk toward the stairs. If they go down, they must go up. Honestly, for someone with a college degree and years working in a professional capacity, how long it takes me to locate the entrance for the roof feels ridiculous. I get there eventually.

It’s not what I expected to find. There’s no fancy patio furniture or little tables or places to lounge. There’s a handful of old plastic chairs and an ashtray that looks like it’s never been emptied.

Hudson is standing near the edge, looking out over the city and neighboring buildings. He turns to face me, his eyes worried. A briefcase is sitting, discarded, near his feet.

“He said no to everything, didn’t he?” I ask, feeling like I can read his disappointment easily.

“Not exactly.”

My heart lifts, buoying. “Come out with it already,” I tease, but I mean it. The suspense has been killing me for so long now.

Hudson passes a hand over his face, showing me just how tired he is. I approach him slowly, leaning my hip against the wall that protects us from the edge of the roof. “We can postpone dissolving the company for one more quarter, but cuts are still moving forward as planned according to the consultant’s recommendations. He’ll give me the remainder of the year toclean house. Nothing will be decided until numbers are in for the first quarter of next year.”

“I’m failing to see the problem here. It’s not what we wanted, but it’s better than everyone losing their jobs.”

He runs his hand down his face. “This entire plan is contingent on me taking the managing editor position and leading the paper to its revival, or its ruin—whatever comes about.”

My breath hitches. “That’s bad because you want to remain up with the execs?”

“It’s notbad…it’s…you know I’d rather be editing. I never expected my uncle to give me this option at all.”

“I still don’t see the problem.”

He lets out a tired exhale, his eyes glued to mine. “You, Paisley. You’re the problem. I can’t take this job if you won’t even work with me.”

My heart thunders, beating in my throat.

“The last few days working at your side have been the worst level of torment. I won’t keep bothering you with drinks or trying to get you to talk to me—don’t worry. But I don’t know if I can sit in that office every day, knowing you hate me.”

Because he has a clear view of my desk. He’d have that reminder constantly. “I don’t hate you.”

“I hurt you.”

“You did.”

He puts his hands out, helpless. “What can I do to make you understand that I’ve had your best interests in mind all along?”

My brain snags there. Didn’t I just say that exact same thing to Simone? She’d accepted it without question because she knows and trusts me, because I’ve proven I deserve that trust. The trouble with Hudson istime—our relationship has only spanned a month, not enough time for me to know for sure. I feelin my gut that he’s speaking the truth, but when faced with this huge thing, he wasn’t forthright with me. He didn’t tell me.

But…I didn’t tell Simone what my plan was with Hudson today, did I? Because I was worried it wouldn’t work and she’d be devastated. I close my eyes, giving my head a shake. I can’t believe I just did that to someone I love when I was so infuriated with Hudson for doing the same thing to me.

Maybe he didn’t handle things perfectly, but clearly I’ve made mistakes too.

When I open my eyes again, he’s looking at me with fierce reservation, like he wants to take me in his arms but is doing everything he can to refrain. How can I hold anger against him when I’m guilty of the same thing?

“You can prove it moving forward,” I say.

Hudson goes completely still. “Are you giving me another chance?”